Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Why participate in the UNISAFARI walk or run?

Your participation will raise funds towards scholarships for deserving students and potential students of Unisa.  It will enhance the international footprint of the University’s alumni.

Who are the beneficiaries of the scholarship?

Unisa students and potential students are the beneficiaries of the scholarships.

Who can participate in the walk or run?

Unisa alumni, staff, students, donors, friends and their families can participate in this event.  Everyone, young and old can participate

When will the walk or run take place?

You can get together with other alumni or participate individually on any date from 23 September – 30 November 2023. 

Can I enter the walk or run even if I am not a resident of South Africa?

Yes, please do, this event is planned for all that are interested and wishes to contribute to this worthy cause

What are the prizes?

Although there are no winners in this race a number of lucky draws and goodie bags are planned to be distributed.

How and where will I do the activities?

In South Africa and Namibia participants can join the Parkrun closest to their dwelling.  For participants outside the border of these 2 countries a venue will be identified and communicated shortly

How long can my walk or run be?

You can decide on the distance for your walk, run or cycle

How much is the entry fee?

The entry fee is R150 or more per participant.  All proceeds of this event will go towards scholarships for deserving students.

Where can I enter and pay to participate in this event?

You can enter by clicking here

When do I receive my confirmation email?

The email is automatically generated upon registration and payment.  If you have any inquiries in this regard kindly contact mahlabb@unisa.ac.za

How do I submit my results and photographs?

Results and photographs can be submitted by using the link contained in the confirmation of participation message sent to you upon registration and payment for the event.

Last modified: 2023/09/21