Dr Olivier Calice PIEUME Chief of the Technical Cooperation Unit
Head of the UNEVOC Network Secretariat
UNESCO International Centre for TVET
Olivier PIEUME joined UNESCO-UNEVOC in August 2022 as Chief of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Technical Cooperation Unit. The Unit coordinates UNESCO-UNEVOC’s work related to technical assistance and capacity building. The Unit also leads technical cooperation and collaborations with partners willing to work in synergy with UNESCO-UNEVOC to provide support to UNESCO’s Member States in the field of TVET and skills development. Olivier PIEUME also assumes the role of Team Leader for the UNEVOC Network Secretariat.
Before joining UNESCO-UNEVOC, Olivier was the UNESCO TVET Regional Advisor for Africa, cumulatively with the function of Head of the “Skills for life and the world of work cluster” at the UNESCO Regional Office at Dakar. He was managing four teams working respectively on TVET, STEM, Higher Education, and Literacy and Non-formal Education. In addition to these responsibilities, he was Chief of the Secretariat of the Pan African Initiative for Digital Transformation of TVET and Skills Development Systems in Africa.
Prior to his position at the UNESCO Regional Office at Dakar, Olivier was the TVET and Labour Market Specialist at the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (Africa Office) for more than six years. He started his career as a lecturer at the University of Yaoundé I and later as an education and skills economist at the Cameroonian Ministry in charge of Economy and Planning.
Olivier PIEUME holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Paris Est and the Université de Montréal (cotutelle). He is also a statistician economist engineer. Olivier has so far supported more than thirty countries in the review or development of their national TVET and skills development policies. He also has to his credit a dozen scientific articles in international journals.