News & Events

Defying the odds during academic journey

In the midst of personal challenges during a critical time in his studies, Unisa alumnus, Nathanael Govender, has passed his master’s degree cum laude. Govender is grateful to Unisa for their academic programmes’ support structure and rigour. Read more

Unisa advances human rights in society and the workplace

On 21 March, Human Rights Day, Unisa joined the nation in remembering iconic warriors who fought in the struggle for our freedom and democracy. The 2023 theme for Human Rights Month is #LeaveNoOneBehind - walk for your rights. Read more

Historic landmark for Unisa North Eastern Region

Unisa North Eastern Region law students have been lauded for raising the regional flag high at the recent Moot Court competition. For their stellar performance, the group received the Best Memorial Award for their cogent and well-drafted heads of arguments. Read more

‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ – Unisa Chancellor

Speaking during his bi-annual conversation with students and other interested stakeholders, Unisa’s Chancellor, former President Thabo Mbeki, said that the major challenge facing the African continent is the production of a cadre of intellectuals, people who can produce and apply new knowledge to achieve the advancement of South Africa and the rest of the continent. Read more

A university that defies barriers to deliver education for the marginalised

In celebration of Unisa’s 150th anniversary, esteemed scholars and industry giants share their thoughts on how this august university positively impacts society in South Africa and the globe. Read more

Lekgotla concluded on a high note

Speaking at the conclusion of the first Principal and Vice-Chancellor’s Lekgotla for 2023, Professor Puleng LenkaBula reviewed the crucial issues discussed during the intensive two-day event, noting challenges, opportunities and achievements. Read more

Kenya alumni celebrate 150 years of excellence and pledge support for Unisa

Unisa Alumni in Kenya came together to give back to their alma mater by establishing a legacy scholarship to benefit future generations and to support the university's vision to reclaim Africa's intellectual futures.Read more

Internationalisation, engaged scholarship ventilated at Lekgotla

As participants at the Principal and Vice-Chancellor’s Lekgotla continued to plot a course for Unisa in its 150th anniversary year, the institution’s international footprint and academic community engagement strategy came under the spotlight. Read more

"Music is our life; it reflects what we go through"

Driven by the philosophy “Music is our life; it reflects what we go through”, the Unisa Choir’s musical repertoires, comprising staff and students, leave a mark in the minds of its audience on august occasions. Read more