News & Events

Why Kgalabi’s portable washbasin idea is making a splash

A portable, self-assembled washbasin designed by a Unisa computer science student for the City of Tshwane’s healthcare workers could be just what the doctor ordered.Read more

Volunteerism to unlock opportunities

Vuyo Macoba highlights how volunteering assisted him to gain the much-needed experience to break into the media field.Read more

The future of Unisa embrace their #Heritage

Against the backdrop of the national theme for #HeritageMonth this year, “Celebrating South Africa’s living human treasures”, Unisa students share their views on what heritage means to them.Read more

A great opportunity for young writers

Are you a creative writer seeking opportunities to be published? The Journal of African Youth Literature is calling for submissions in African languages and languages widely spoken in Africa.Read more

Grief, loss, inequality and hope: Unisa students share their real-life Covid-19 experiences

The seismic shift caused by Covid-19 and the subsequent national lockdown have derailed students in various ways. Unisa students share their challenges and experience so far.Read more

Remembering and celebrating youth power

A young African woman reflects on the history and importance of Youth Day, and the need to keep the flame alive.Read more

A wordsmith going places

Unisa for me, is a leadership institution; it teaches one both independence and teamwork skills, says Musa Masombuka, a 22-year-old poet, literature enthusiast, and third-year student enrolled for a Bachelor of Education degree.Read more

Heeding the President’s call to action, Unisa’s labs step up to the sanitiser challenge

Thanks to the innovative thinking of MSc student Fungai Chibaya, Unisa will soon be producing affordable and effective hand and surface sanitisers.Read more

Top award for Unisa’s SRU

Unisa’s Student Retention Unit is one of only four such units lauded by the SANRC as Top Institutional Participant in National FYE month 2019.Read more