Message from the Chairperson of the Unisa Alumni Executive Committee

Good day to all our graduates and Alumni spread across the globe! It is with excitement and pride that I reach out to you today. Our alma mater has always stood as a beacon of knowledge, enlightenment, and empowerment. I invite you to join us in a unique and impactful initiative that has the potential to shape the lives of countless students who are finding it difficult to honor their financial contributions for their studies.

I would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming UniSafari—a global event that transcends borders, connects hearts, and uplifts dreams. On the 23 September - 30 November 2023, you can lace up your running shoes or slip into walking attire for a purpose-driven journey. This event isn't just about kilometers covered; it's about the collective steps we take towards creating brighter futures for our current and future students.

Why Participate?

UniSafari isn't just an event; it's a movement. As our alumni, you understand first-hand the transformative power of education. Every stride you take during this fun walk/run resonates with the aspirations of students whose dreams might otherwise be hindered by financial constraints. Your registration fees will be channelled directly into scholarships for deserving students from all corners of the world, enabling them to access the quality education that Unisa stands for.

Uniting Hearts, Igniting Dreams

Imagine the collective energy of Unisa alumni from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and professions converging for a single cause. This is more than an event—it's a celebration of unity, resilience, and the unwavering spirit that defines our global alumni community. 

Join us on 23 September - 30 November 2023, and let your steps pave the way for brighter tomorrows. Register now on this link (insert the link) and spread the word among your fellow alumni.

Warm regards,

Dr Colen Tuaundu

Publish date: 2021/11/11

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