Study @ Unisa

After the exams or final assessment


Exam/module results

You can obtain your exam results via

  • myUnisa
  • e-mail

Remember, you will not receive your exam or final assessment results if you have outstanding student fees or library books, or did not use the applicable proctoring tools. If you want to query your exam results, you must contact Unisa within 3 months of your exam results being released. If we do not hear from you within this period, we will regard all results as correct and complete.


Supplementary exams

If you qualify for a supplementary exam, it will be indicated in your examination results. Remember, you cannot apply for a supplementary exam. Visit the examinations website for more information. Modules making use of continuous assessment do not have supplementary examinations; if you fail such a module, you will have to re-register for the module.

Query your exam results

You may apply to have your exam answer file re-marked if you received a final mark of between 35% and 49% or between 68% and 74%. Re-marks are not available for modules which are assessed by means of online timed tests, orals, continuous assessments or practical exams.

What is the process?

  • The online application form is available on myUnisa. Login to myUnisa, click on "Assessment Admin" and "Examination Results".
  • Pay the fee to have your exam answer book re-marked. Click here for the fee payable and click here for Unisa's payment methods and banking details.
  • Re-register for the module before the closing date for registrations while you wait for the result of the re-mark.

Visit the examinations website for more information.

I failed an exam. What do I do now?

Failing an exam can feel overwhelming and it might make you question whether you want to continue with your studies. But don't give up! Reflecting on what happened can help you gain perspective and identify changes to improve your performance next time. Here are some steps to help you move forward: 

  • Reflect on your exam preparation: Consider how you prepared for the exam and what you might need to adjust. We suggest that you work through the exam self-reflection document to guide you in identifying specific areas for improvement.
  • Reach out for support: Make an appointment with a student counsellor to discuss how you can continue with your studies and build confidence for the next attempt. You can contact a counsellor by sending an e-mail to or booking an online appointment for a discussion. 

Last modified: 2025/01/21