Assessments help lecturers to determine whether you understand the module, and they help you to learn the work, master the learning outcomes and prepare for the exams (where applicable). They are critical and compulsory - you won't be allowed to write the examination unless you complete the relevant assessments (where applicable). They also contribute to your final mark, so it's vital that you complete them according to the specified guidelines.
Always keep a copy of your assessment in case you are requested to re-submit a copy.
Completing your assessments successfully involves
Remember: It is your responsibility to ensure that you assessments are received by Unisa. Do not wait until the closing date to submit your assessment. To check that Unisa has received your assessment, login to myUnisa, click on "myAdmin", "Assessment Admin" and then "Assignments submission".
Multiple-choice assessments |
You should submit multiple-choice assessments online via myUnisa. Always ensure that your answers to multiple-choice questions are ready before connecting to the internet. |
Assessments with long questions |
For assessments with long questions, please follow your lecturer's instructions (found on your myModule site). Please also use a header with your name, student number, module code and assessment number. Remember to upload your assessments via myUnisa. |
Portfolio of evidence |
A portfolio, or e-portfolio, refers to a collection of evidence derived from experiential learning. It is important to familiarise yourself with exactly what the portfolio should include, both in terms of content and format. If descriptions are required, for example, then mere artefacts/specimens/photos are inadequate. Please adhere to format and submission requirements. A portfolio takes much longer to compile than the other types of assessments, which means you have to give yourself enough time to gather the evidence required and complete the portfolio by the due date. |
Computer Science students | Submit programs or program output in either a text (ASCII) file or in a word processor file. Only submit one file per assignment – you may have to combine different files into one document. You can create a single PDF document that combines different source files. We suggest using a fixed width font (eg Arial), so that your documents are more readable and the indentation remains correct. Converting your document to PDF will ensure that your file presentation remains exactly as you intended. |
All assessments are defined as either mandatory, compulsory or elective.
Mandatory assessments |
Elective assessments |
Compulsory assessments |
Assessments must be submitted online via myUnisa.
You will only be allowed to resubmit assessments under the following conditions:
Formative assessment results |
Formative assessment results are available under "Grades" on the myModule site. If you are not sure how to access the results, find step-by-step instructions here. The grades for formative assessments can also be accessed on myUnisa via myAdmin (select "Assignments View") under "Assessments", but we recommend that you rather access the formative assessment results on the myModule site of the specific module, as the marks on myAdmin are subject to change following moderation. |
Marked formative assessment files |
Marked formative "written" assessment files may be accessed on the myModule site, not via myAdmin and the Assessment view. To download marked "written" assessments, log onto your myModule site and download the annotated file (this is the file containing the marks and comments from the marker) and/or feedback file (if applicable). If you are not sure how to do this, find step-by-step instructions here or watch a video. Marked examination scripts will not be available for students to download. |
Marked examination scripts |
Students cannot download marked examination scripts. Students may apply to purchase a copy of their examination script or to have their script remarked by a specific due date that the DSAA will communicate after the release of the examination marks. The online remark application form is available on myUnisa. Log into myUnisa and navigate to the Examination Results tool in the administrative section. Applications for remarks can also be sent to Students may purchase a copy of their scripts by sending an e-mail to Your student number must appear in the subject line of the e-mail that must be sent from your myLife e-mail address. Please note that the remarking or the purchasing of a script is not possible where the script is flagged for a disciplinary offence or proctoring tool non-compliance infringements. |
Final results for a module |
Final results for a module will be published via myAdmin under "Exam Results per Student", irrespective of the format of the final assessment. Please note that the final results for a module may be withheld if academic dishonesty has been detected. |
Unisa prescribes a set of minimum standards (academic progression rules) with which students must comply to ensure their continued registration with the university. These are set out in the Admission Policy.
These rules are applicable to all undergraduate Unisa students, irrespective of when you commenced with your undergraduate studies at Unisa. Read more...
Take time to regularly reflect on your study progress. After each assessment, consider how you prepared for an assessment (what worked and what did not work), challenges you experienced and what adjustments you need to make for further assignments.
Reviewing feedback and understanding what you need to change will help you prepare for upcoming assignments and your exams. Reflection questions could include:
Your reflections will help you to be realistic about your strengths and areas for improvement. In addition, reflection supports you to set practical goals and build confidence as you work towards completing your qualification.
Last modified: 2025/03/10