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NSRC's highest decision-making body revisits its policies

On 26 and 27 July 2023, Unisa’s National Student Representative Council (NSRC) convened the Special National Student Parliament to review and develop its policies and consider student-related proposals. 


NSRC convenining for the Special National Student Parliament

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is housed under the Department of Student Affairs’ Student Development Division. The division’s role includes, among others, promoting and developing cooperative governance through student participation in various forums and contributing to quality learning experiences in an open and distance learning context.

The meeting focused on reviewing policies that enhance student governance and prioritise students’ interests and well-being. Due to unforeseen disruptions and the collapse experienced by the parliament previously, this time, it made significant progress by adopting amended policies on the SRC Constitution to align with current political dynamics in South Africa. 

The sitting, which is the highest student decision-making platform, enabled robust debate and scrutiny of the policies before their amendments and adoption. Importantly, it was also cognisant of the Constitutional Court’s judgement on the electoral system that compels the Independent Electoral Commission to allow the contestation of independent candidates to particular structures. Additionally, the practice of receiving reports from SRC members and processing them enables the student parliament to hold the SRC accountable. 

Amos Monageng, NSRC Administrator, said the meeting was characterised by unity, discipline, commitment and prioritising students’ interests; hence the parliament reached its objectives. "Therefore, we appreciate the parliament’s leadership, including Ntsako Maluleke (scriber), Perfect Lekolwane (national parliament speaker), as well as all parliamentarians for their hard work and input, which demonstrated that they are goal-oriented and responsible student leaders," he said. The adopted policies will guide the student governance structures within the university.


* Submitted by the NSRC: Student Development Division & packaged by Nancy Legodi, Acting Senior Journalist, Department of Institutional Advancement

Publish date: 2023/08/17

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