College of Science, Engineering & Technology

Executive Dean's message


To our Undergraduate Students

I extend my warmest welcome to our first-year students. As a first-time Unisa student; please take note of what it takes to be a successful Unisa student. It is mainly characterized by self-discipline as there are no teachers or lecturers in front of you. Self-discipline needs to be embodied in all your daily activities. Our way of offering teaching services to you is by means of open distance and e-learning. Please make use of all educational tools and support services that the university provides to you to aid you towards your success. We will continue doing our part in delivering high-quality education to you. Last year, the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), granted accreditation to 5 of our Engineering Diplomas until the next accreditation cycle in 5 years to come. Although operating using distance learning mode, this accreditation affirms the high quality of our offerings which is aligned with the national and international standards. 

I also welcome our returning undergraduate students, those who succeeded and are proceeding to the next stages of their qualifications, and the ones who did not do well in the previous year. We learn from mistakes that cause us to stumble. And for those who just made it; may you learn from your mistakes and do even better this year. For the top performers; the sky is the limit and we need you to maintain the high level of level of excellence that you have demonstrated in the previous year.

To our Postgraduate Students

There is a need to generate new knowledge via research work that is translated into dissertations, theses, and research publications that disseminate knowledge in diverse disciplines. I encourage all of you to remain in close proximity to your supervisors and postdoctoral research fellows as they give you guidance and mold you into the successful research scholars of tomorrow.

To our collaborators and academic associates

Given the many strides already accomplished in forging international research partnerships, we welcome our collaborators and academic associates who are always willing to share ideas with us, even those who will visit Unisa CSET this year as part of their plans in joint endeavors for academic excellence and higher stature of our college. This year, we look forward to reaping more fruits from newly established international relationships through joint supervision and graduation of students, accumulation of bi- and multilateral research grants, staff and student exchange programmes. We are also working on cementing more collaborations with universities and institutions in the African continent. Our doors remain open to exploring and establishing impactful tuition, research, and life-altering partnerships beyond our borders.

To our staff

I welcome back our academic and support staff to the college. The importance of working together as a “star team” and not a “team of stars” cannot be overemphasized; so that we yet again shine this year and do even better than the previous year. Let us demonstrate our unwavering stewardship to academic scholarship and excellence.

Thank you.

Prof BB Mamba

Executive Dean: College of Science Engineering & Technology

Last modified: 2025/02/14