At Unisa, our vision, mission and values unite our diverse culture while guiding us in our decision making and strategic planning.
The Unisa community is inspired by its vision to become the African university shaping futures in the service of humanity.
Our vision defines everything that we do. It describes our wish to serve every country on the African continent and the broader global community while transcending language and cultural barriers. We are 100% committed to the communities and individuals we serve.
We are clear on our mission to be a comprehensive, open, distance and e-Learning (CODeL) institution that produces excellent scholarship and research, provides quality tuition and fosters active community engagement. We are guided by the principles of life-long learning, student-centredness, innovation and creativity. Through our efforts we contribute to the knowledge and information society, advance development, nurture a critical citizenry and ensure global sustainability.
- Ethical and collective responsibility: Ethics reflect the intrinsic and extrinsic values, principles, norms and standards to which Unisa is committed and are undergirded by respect, integrity, accountability and excellence. Our ethics guide all institutional conduct, actions, decisions and stakeholder relations, supporting equity and fairness. Against this backdrop, our decisionmaking will be participatory in the interests of the effective and efficient functioning of the university – all employees are equally responsible for decisions taken and implementation is underpinned by commitment and loyalty to and solidarity with Unisa.
- Integrity: Integrity refers to conduct guided by honesty, equity, respect, transparency and responsibility in all that we do. Integrity must be evident at an individual level and it should be infused in the character of the institution through the behaviours of the individuals who constitute and engage with the university.
- Innovation and excellence: At Unisa, innovation and excellence characterise the actions, attitudes and culture required to create new ideas, processes, systems, structures or artefacts which, when implemented, lead to a sustainable and high-performing institution. They are the underlying principles that we, as change agents, use to make a difference in the way we work with the limited resources available to achieve our specific goals despite contextual and policy constraints. Innovation requires everyone to adopt a problem-solving approach that fosters intellectual ingenuity and novel solutions rather than simply problem identification.
- Responsive student-centredness: Responsive student-centeredness reflects our commitment to recognising, cultivating and promoting the interests and views of students – especially their lived experiences and prior learning – in order to achieve academic access and success in a comprehensive, open, distance and e-Learning context.
- Dignity in diversity: At Unisa, we will strive to promote humanness, anti-racism and self-worth in the context of cultural and intellectual differences for the attainment of equality, and will not tolerate unfair discrimination based on race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language, birth, HIV status or any other arbitrary grounds. This value speaks to Unisa's soul and identity.
- Accountability: In order to promote a high-performance culture and work ethic, we accept individual accountability for our decisions, our actions and mistakes as individuals – irrespective of whether we are leaders, employees or students. We are clear about our expectations from each other and we ensure that our expectations are credible and reasonable. We hold one another accountable for what we have agreed upon within a Unisa consequence management regime.
E-Unisa, umbono wethu, umongo wethu kanye nezindinganiso kuhlanganisa amasiko ethu ahlukene kuyilapho esiqondisa ekuthatheni izinqumo nasekuhleleni amasu.
Umphakathi wase-Unisa ugqugquzelwe ngumbono wawo wokuba imfundo ephakeme yase-Afrika ebunjwa ikusasa emsebenzini wobuntu.
Umbono wethu uchaza konke esikwenzayo. Uchaza isifiso sethu sokusebenzela wonke amazwe ezwekazini lase-Afrika kanye nomphakathi wonkana womhlaba wonke sibe seqa izithiyo zolimi namasiko. Sizinikele 100% emiphakathini nakubantu esibasebenzelayo.
Sicacile ngomgomo wethu wokuba yisikhungo esiphelele, esivulekile, sokufunda kude nesikhungu nge-inthanethi (i-CODeL) esikhiqiza umfundaze nocwaningo oluhle kakhulu, esihlinzeka ngemfundo esezingeni eliphezulu futhi sikhuthaze ukuzibandakanya komphakathi okusebenzayo. Siqondiswa yizimiso zokufunda impilo yonke, ukugxila kubafundi, ukusungula nokwenza izinto. Ngemizamo yethu sinikela emphakathini wolwazi nolwazi, siqhubekisela phambili intuthuko, sikhulise isakhamuzi esibalulekile futhi siqinisekise ukusimama komhlaba wonke.
- Isibophezelo esihlangene nokuziphatha: Izimiso zokuziphatha zibonisa izindinganiso zangaphakathi nangaphandle, imigomo, izimiso kanye namazinga i-Unisa ezibophezele kuwo futhi angaphansi kwenhlonipho, ubuqotho, ukuziphendulela kanye nokwenza kahle. Izimiso zokuziphatha zethu ziqondisa konke ukuziphatha kwesikhungo, izenzo, izinqumo kanye nobudlelwano bababambe iqhaza, ukusekela ukulingana nokungenzeleli. Ngokumelene nalezi zimo, ukuthatha kwethu izinqumo kuzobandakanya intshisekelo yokusebenza kahle nangempumelelo kwemfundo ephakeme - bonke abasebenzi banesibophezelo esifanayo ngezinqumo ezithathwayo futhi ukuqaliswa kwazo kusekelwe ukuzinikela nokwethembeka kanye nokubambana ne-Unisa.
- Ubuqotho: Ubuqotho busho ukuziphatha okuholwa wukwethembeka, ukulingana, inhlonipho, ukungafihli kanye nokuzibophezela kukho konke esikwenzayo. Ubuqotho kufanele bubonakale kumuntu ngamunye futhi kufanele bufakwe kuhlamvu lwesikhungo ngokuziphatha kwabantu abakha futhi bazibandakanye nemfundo ephakeme.
- Ukusungula okusha nokwenza kahle: E-Unisa, ukusungula okusha nokwenza kahle kukhombisa izenzo, izimo zengqondo namasiko adingekayo ukuze kwakhiwe imibono emisha, izinqubo, izinhlelo, izakhiwo noma izinto zobuciko okuthi uma seziqalisiwe ziholele esikhungweni esisimeme nesisebenza kahle kakhulu. Yizimiso eziyisisekelo thina, njengamanxusa oshintsho, esizisebenzisayo ukuze senze umehluko endleleni esisebenza ngayo nezinsiza ezilinganiselwe ezitholakalayo ukuze sifinyelele imigomo yethu ethile naphezu kwezingqinamba zomongo nenqubomgomo. Ukusungula okusha kudinga ukuthi wonke umuntu asebenzise indlela yokuxazulula izinkinga ekhuthaza ubuhlakani bobuhlakani nezixazululo ezintsha kunokumane kuhlonzwe inkinga.
- Ukugxila kwabafundi okuphendulayo: Ukugxila kwabafundi okuphendulayo kubonisa ukuzibophezela kwethu ekwamukeleni, ekutshaleni nasekuthuthukiseni izintshisekelo nemibono yabafundi - ikakhulukazi lokho abaphila nakho kanye nokufunda kwangaphambili - ukuze sizuze ukufinyelela ezifundweni nempumelelo esimeni esivulekile, sokufunda kude nesikhungo kanye nokufunda nge-inthanethi.
- Isithunzi ngokuhlukahluka: E-Unisa, sizolwela ukukhuthaza ubuntu, ukulwa nokucwasa ngokwebala kanye nokuzihlonipha esimeni sokuhlukana kwamasiko nobuhlakani ukuze kuzuzwe ukulingana, futhi ngeke sikubekezelele ukucwaswa okungafanele okusekelwe ngokobuhlanga, ubulili, ukukhulelwa, isimo somshado, ubuzwe noma inhlalo, umbala, ukukhetha ubulili, ubudala, ukukhubazeka, inkolo, unembeza, inkolelo, isiko, ulimi, ukuzalwa, isimo se-HIV nanoma yiziphi ezinye izizathu. Lokhu kubaluleka kukhuluma nomphefumulo nobunjalo be-Unisa.
- Ukuziphendulela: Ukuze sikhuthaze isiko elisezingeni eliphezulu nokuziphatha okuhle emsebenzini, siyakwamukela ukuziphendulela komuntu ngamunye ngezinqumo zethu, izenzo zethu namaphutha njengabantu ngabanye - kungakhathaliseki ukuthi singabaholi, abasebenzi noma abafundi. Sicacile ngalokho esikulindele komunye nomunye futhi siyaqinisekisa ukuthi lokho esikulindele kuthembekile futhi kunengqondo. Sibophezeleka komunye nomunye ngalokho esivumelene ngakho ngaphakathi kohlelo lokuphathwa kwemiphumela ye-Unisa.
Unisa, pono ya rona, maikemisetso le mekgwa ya rona di kopanya ditso tsa rona tse fapaneng ha di ntse di re tataisa ha re etsa diqeto moralong wa leano.
Setjhaba sa Unisa se kgothaleditswe ke pono ya sona ya ho ba yunivesiti ya Afrika e bopang bokamoso molemong wa batho. Pono ya rona e hlalosa tsohle tseo re di etsang. E hlalosa takatso ya rona ya ho sebeletsa naha e nngwe le e nngwe ya kontinente ya Afrika le setjhaba ka bophara sa lefatshe ha re ntse re feta ditshitiso tsa puo le setso. Re ikemiseditse 100% ho setjhaba le batho bao re ba sebeletsang.
Re hlakile ka thomo a rona ya ho ba setheo se felletseng, se bulehileng, se hole le sa thuto ya ilektroniki (CODeL) se hlahisang dihlapiso tse ntle haholo le dipatlisiso, se fanang ka thuto ya boleng bo hodimo le ho khothaletsa boikopanyo bo mafolofolo setjhabeng. Re tataiswa ke melaotheo ya thuto ya bophelo bohle, ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho baithuti, boqapi le bonono. Ka boikitlaetso ba rona re kenya letsoho setjhabeng sa tsebo le tlhahisoleseding, ntshetsopele ya tswelopele, ho hodisa baahi ba bohlokwa le ho netefatsa tshebetso ya lefatshe ka bophara.
- Boikarabello ba maitshwaro bo kopanetsweng: Maitshwaro a bontsha boleng, metheo, ditlwaelo le maemo ao Unisa e ikemiseditseng ho ona mme a sireleditswe ke tlhompho, botshepehi, boikarabelo le bokgabane. Melao ya rona ya boitshwaro e tataisa boitshwaro bohle ba mekgatlo, diketso, diqeto le dikamano tsa ba amehang, ho tshehetsa tekano le toka. Kgahlanong le maemo ana, ho nka diqeto ho tla ba le seabo molemong wa tshebetso e atlehileng le e hlwahlwa ya yunivesiti - basebetsi bohle ba ikarabella ka ho lekana bakeng sa diqeto tse nkuwang mme tshebetsong e tshehetswang ke boitlamo le botshepehi le bonngwe le Unisa.
- Botshepehi: Botshepehi bo bolela boitshwaro bo tataiswang ke botshepehi, tekano, tlhompho, pepeneneng le boikarabelo ho tsohle tseo re di etsang. Botshepehi bo tlameha ho bonahala boemong ba motho ka mong mme bo lokela ho kenngwa semelong sa setsi ka boitshwaro ba batho ba etsang karolo le ho sebedisana le yunivesiti.
- Boqapi le bokhabane: Unisa, boiqapelo le bokgabane di tshwaya diketso, maikutlo le moetlo o hlokahalang ho theha mehopolo e metjha, ditshebetso, ditsamaiso, meaho kapa mesebetsi ya matsoho eo, ha e kengwa tshebetsong, e lebisang ho setheo se tshwarellang le se sebetsang hantle. Ke melaotheo eo rona, re le baemedi ba phetoho, re e sebedisang ho etsa phapano tseleng eo re sebetsang ka yona ka mehlodi e fokolang e teng ho fihlela sepheo sa rona se ikgethileng ho sa tsotellehe dikgatiso tsa maemo le maano. Boqapi bo hloka hore motho e mong le e mong a nke mokgwa wa ho rarolla mathata o kgothalletsang bohlale ba kelello le ditharollo tse ntjha ho ena le ho tsebahatsa mathata feela.
- Boikemisetso ba ho arabela ha baithuti: Boikemisetso ba baithuti bo arabelang bo bontsha boitlamo ba rona ba ho ela hloko, ho hlaolela le ho phahamisa dithahasello le maikutlo a baithuti - haholoholo boiphihlelo ba bona ba bophelo le thuto ya pele - molemong wa ho fihlela phihlello ya thuto le katleho ka botlalo, e bulehileng, e hole le boemo ba ho ithuta ka ilektroniki.
- Seriti ka mefuta-futa: Unisa, re tla ikitlaelletsa ho phahamisa botho, kgahlanong le kgethollo ya morabe le boitlhompho maemong a diphapang tsa setso le kelello bakeng sa ho finyella tekano, mme re ke ke ra mamella kgethollo e leeme e thehilweng hodima morabe, bong, boimana, boemo ba lenyalo, morabe kapa setso sa setjhaba, mmala, tshekamelo ya ho kopanela diphate, dilemo, kgolofalo, bodumedi, letswalo, tumelo, setso, puo, tswalo, boemo ba HIV kapa mabaka afe kapa afe a sa dumellaneng. Boleng bona bo bua ka moya wa Unisa le botho ba yona.
- Boikarabello: E le ho kgothaletsa setso sa tshebetso e phahameng le mekgwa ya mosebetsi, re amohela boikarabello ba motho ka mong bakeng sa diqeto tsa rona, diketso tsa rona le diphoso tsa rona re le batho ka bomong - ho sa tsotellehe hore na re baetapele, basebetsi kapa baithuti. Re hlakile ka ditebello tsa rona ho e mong mme re etsa bonnete ba hore ditebello tsa rona di a tshepahala ebile di a utlwahala. Re ikarabella bakeng sa seo re dumellaneng ka sona ka hara tsamaiso ya taolo ya sephetho sa Unisa.
Unisa se visie, missie en waardes bring eenheid in sy kultuur, wat deur uiteenlopendheid gekenmerk word, en dien as riglyne vir besluitneming en strategiese beplanning.
Die Unisa-gemeenskap word geïnspireer deur sy visie om die Afrika-universiteit te wees wat, in diens van die mensdom, vorm aan die toekoms gee.
Ons visie omskryf alles wat ons doen. Dit beskryf ons strewe om elke land op die Afrika-vasteland en die breër internasionale gemeenskap van diens te wees en, daarmee saam, taal- en kulturele struikelblokke te bowe te gaan. Ons is 100% verbind tot die gemeenskappe en individue wat ons dien.
Ons het ’n klinkklare missie om ’n omvattende en oop e-afstandsleerinstelling te wees wat uitnemende vakkundigheid en navorsing oplewer, gehalte-onderrig bied en aktiewe gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid bevorder. Ons word deur die beginsels van lewenslange leer, leerdergesentreerdheid, innovasie en kreatiwiteit gelei. Deur middel van ons werksaamhede lewer ons ’n bydrae tot die kennis- en inligtingsamelewing, bevorder ons ontwikkeling, kweek ons kritiese denkers en bevorder ons wêreldvolhoubaarheid.
- Etiese en kollektiewe aanspreeklikheid: Ons etiese kode, wat op respek, integriteit, aanspreeklikheid en uitnemendheid gegrond is, weerspieël die intrinsieke en ekstrinsieke waardes, beginsels, norme en standaarde waartoe ons verbind is. Ons etiese kode is die maatstaf vir alle institusionele optrede, handelinge, besluite en verbintenisse met belanghebbers, en is daarop gemik om billikheid en regverdigheid te bevorder. In die lig hiervan is besluitneming van ’n deelnemende aard in die belang van die doeltreffende funksionering van die universiteit. Alle werknemers is ewe aanspreeklik vir besluite wat geneem word. Daarbenewens dien toegewydheid en lojaliteit teenoor Unisa, tesame met samehorigheid, as rugsteun vir die uitvoering van besluite.
- Integriteit: Integriteit behels die handhawing van eerlikheid, billikheid, respek, deursigtigheid en aanspreeklikheid in al ons werksaamhede. Integriteit moet op ’n individuele vlak sigbaar wees, en moet deur die gedrag en optrede van individue wat deel is van die universiteit en individue wat met die universiteit in aanraking kom, vorm aan die karakter van die universiteit gee.
- Innovasie en uitnemendheid: By Unisa is innovasie en uitnemendheid tekenend van die werksaamhede, ingesteldhede en kultuur was nodig is om nuwe idees, prosesse, sisteme, strukture of artefakte te skep wat, sodra dit gebruik word, ’n volhoubare en hoëprestasie-instelling teweegbring. Innovasie en uitnemendheid is die onderliggende beginsels wat ons, as agente van verandering, navolg om ’n verskil te maak ten opsigte van die manier waarop ons die beperkte hulpbronne tot ons beskikking gebruik om ons spesifieke doelwitte te bereik, ondanks kontekstuele en beleidsbeperkings. Innovasie vereis dat almal ’n probleemoplossingsbenadering volg wat intellektuele vernuftigheid en nuwe oplossings tot gevolg het, pleks daarvan om ’n blote probleemoplossingsbenadering te volg.
- Reagerende studentgerigtheid: Reagerende studentgerigtheid getuig van ons verbintenis daartoe om die belange en sienings van ons studente – veral hulle geleefde ervarings en vorige leer – te erken, kultiveer en bevorder ten einde akademiese toeganklikheid en welslae in die konteks van omvattende en oop e-afstandsleer te bewerkstellig.
- Waardigheid in diversiteit: By Unisa streef ons na die bevordering van menslikheid, nierassisme en selfwaarde in die konteks van kulturele en intellektuele uiteenlopendheid vir die bereiking van gelykheid. Unisa duld nie onbillike diskriminasie op grond van ras, geslagtelikheid, geslag, swangerskap, huwelikstaat, etniese of sosiale oorsprong, kleur, seksuele oriëntasie, ouderdom, gestremdheid, godsdiens, gewete, geloof, kultuur, taal, geboorte, MIV-status of enige ander arbitrêre gronde nie. Hierdie waarde weerspieël Unisa se siel en identiteit.
- Aanspreeklikheid: Ten einde ’n hoëprestasiekultuur en werksetiek te bevorder, aanvaar ons individuele aanspreeklikheid vir ons besluite, optrede en foute as individue – ongeag of ons leiers, werknemers of studente is. Ons het duidelike verwagtinge van mekaar, en ons sorg dat ons verwagtinge geloofwaardig en redelik is. Ons hou mekaar aanspreeklik vir dit waaroor ons met mekaar in ’n nagevolg-bestuursregime binne Unisa ooreengekom het.