
Executive Management

Prof Puleng LenkaBula

Principal and Vice-Chancellor

Prof Puleng LenkaBula

The Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Puleng LenkaBula wants the institution to reclaim its space as an innovative leader in distance and open education, and make sure the university contributes to South African and Africa-wide goals on sustainable development. Explaining her vision as VC, Prof LenkaBula says she intends to ensure that Unisa does not only become a centre of excellence, success and opportunities for the marginalised, but also a lever of optimum participation in the global knowledge arena with impact.

Prof MM Sepota

Acting Registrar

Prof MM Sepota

Prof T Meyiwa

Vice-Principal: Research, Postgraduate Studies, Innovation and Commercialisation

Prof T Meyiwa

Prof E Seekoe

Acting Vice-Principal: Teaching, Learning, Community Engagement and Student Support

Prof E Seekoe

Prof SR Magano

Acting Vice-Principal: Institutional Development

Prof SR Magano

Mr Byron Stanfliet

Acting Chief Financial Officer

Mr Byron Stanfliet

Mrs M Nakene-Mginqi

Chief Information Officer / Vice-Principal: Information & Communication Technology

Mrs M Nakene-Mginqi

Dr M Molapo

Acting Vice Principal: Strategy, Risk and Advisory Services

Dr M Molapo

Mr MS Motebele

Vice-Principal: Operations and Facilities

Mr MS Motebele