Unisa has a vibrant and dynamic research culture, and its strong transformative agenda encourages a creative approach to new ways of knowing. Here academics and postgraduate students are committed to finding research and innovative solutions that will address important national and global questions, and contribute to the economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being of South Africa and the African continent.
At Unisa, every effort is made to create and nurture an environment where researchers can live their passion, whether they prefer to explore new worlds or apply new ideas to real-world problems. To this end it supports basic, strategic and applied research as well as innovation and commercialisation projects, invests in postgraduate studies and explores brave new frontiers in a number of key disciplines.
The university has a pool of talented researchers of whom more than 235 have received National Research Foundation (NRF) ratings. Annually, the university’s researchers contribute more than 1 323 articles to accredited journals. Unisa also boasts close to 10 700 master’s and doctoral students.
The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) counts 26 Unisa researchers among its membership, while 11 researchers are members of the South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS).
Three Unisa scientists are in the top five most cited scientists in South Africa.
At the Unisa Science Campus, the focus is on growing research capacity and supporting research activities in the fields of science, engineering and technology, as well as agriculture and environmental sciences. With leading-edge laboratories (facilities not generally associated with comprehensive open, distance and e-Learning institutions), the Science Campus is the place where scientists get to do what they love to do – putting theory into practice.
At the heart of the university and offering exceptional support to researchers, the Unisa Library is the largest academic library in our continent, and one of the best-endowed in terms of information resources and information technology. It is, moreover, one of the largest dedicated distance and open education libraries in the world.
The institution's College of Graduate Studies provides a virtual research platform for postgraduate students in all colleges, thus promoting both interdisciplinary and research excellence.
The university also houses the Thabo Mbeki Presidential Library (TMPL). Containing an exhaustive repository of the documents, papers and artefacts of former President Thabo Mbeki and other African leaders, TMPL is a living library and important African centre of learning, research and discourse for the transformation of Africa.
Unisa has five broad research niche areas:
To provide impetus to research in these focus areas, Unisa has a number of dedicated institutes and bureaux, including the following:
Unisa hosts seven endowed research chairs, and one Unisa-funded research chair.
I-Unisa inesiko lokucwaninga elisebenzayo nelinamandla, futhi i-ajenda yayo eqinile yokuguqula ikhuthaza indlela yokudala ezindleleni ezintsha zokwazi. Lapha izifundiswa nabafundi beziqu yemfundo ephakeme bazinikele ekutholeni ucwaningo nezisombululo ezisungulayo ezizobhekana nemibuzo ebalulekile kazwelonke neyomhlaba wonke, futhi zibe neqhaza enhlalakahleni yezomnotho, yezenhlalakahle, yamasiko nezemvelo yaseNingizimu Afrika kanye nezwekazi lase-Afrika.
E-Unisa, kwenziwa yonke imizamo yokwakha nokuthuthukisa indawo lapho abacwaningi bengaphila khona ukuthanda kwabo, kungakhathaliseki ukuthi bancamela ukuhlola imihlaba emisha noma ukusebenzisa imibono emisha ezinkingeni zomhlaba wangempela. Kuze kube manje isekela ucwaningo oluyisisekelo, lwamasu nolusetshenziswayo kanye namaphrojekthi amasha nezohwebo, itshala imali ezifundweni zeziqu zemfundo ephakeme futhi ihlola imingcele emisha enesibindi emikhakheni eminingana ebalulekile.
Imfundo ephakeme inenqwaba yabacwaningi abanamakhono okuthe abangaphezu kuka-235 bathole izilinganiso zeSisekelo soCwaningo lukaZwelonke (NRF). Minyaka yonke, abacwaningi bale mfundo ephakeme banikela ngezindatshana ezingaphezu kwe-1 323 ezincwadini ezigunyaziwe. I-Unisa iphinde yazishaya isifuba ngezitshudeni ezicishe zibe ngu-10 700 zeziqu zobumpetha kanye nezobudokotela.
Isikole seSayensi saseNiningizimu Afrika (ASSAf) sibala abacwaningi base-Unisa abangama-26 phakathi kwamalungu ayo, kanti abacwaningi abayi-11 bangamalungu eSikole seSayensi Yabasha baseNingizimu (SAYAS).
Ososayensi abathathu base-Unisa baphakathi kososayensi abahlanu abakhonjwa kakhulu eNingizimu Afrika.
Ekhampasini yeSayensi yase-Unisa, kugxilwe ekukhuliseni amandla ocwaningo kanye nokweseka imisebenzi yocwaningo emikhakheni yesayensi, ubunjiniyela nobuchwepheshe, kanye nezolimo nesayensi yezemvelo. Ngezindawo zemishini yokwenza okwesayensi ezihamba phambili (izikhungo ngokuvamile ezingahlotshaniswa nezikhungo eziphelele ezivulekile, ezikude nesikhungo kanye nokufunda nge-inthanethi), Ikhampasi Yesayensi iyindawo lapho ososayensi benza khona lokho abathanda ukukwenza - ukusebenzisa umbono.
Enkabeni yemfundo ephekeme futhi inikeza ukwesekwa okukhethekile kubacwaningi, Umtapo wolwazi wase-Unisa ungumtapo wolwazi omkhulu kunayo yonke ezwenikazi lethu, futhi ungomunye wemitapo yolwazi enikezwe kahle kakhulu ngokwemithombo yolwazi nobuchwepheshe bolwazi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ingeminye yemitapo yolwazi yemfundo evulekile emikhulu kunawo wonke emhlabeni.
IKolishi Lezifundo Zeziqu zalesi sikhungo lihlinzeka ngenkundla yocwaningo ebonakalayo lwabafundi abaneziqu zemfundo ephakeme kuwo wonke amakolishi, ngaleyo ndlela ithuthukisa kokubili imikhakha eyahlukene kanye nokwenza kahle ocwaningweni.
Le Mfundo ephekeme iphinde ibe noMtapo wolwazi oqanjwe ngoMongameli uThabo Mbeki (TMPL). Uqukethe inqolobane ephelele yemibhalo, amaphepha kanye nezinto zobuciko zikaMongameli wangaphambili uThabo Mbeki kanye nabanye abaholi base-Afrika, i-TMPL ingumtapo wolwazi ophilayo kanye nesikhungo esibalulekile sase-Afrika sokufunda, socwaningo nezinkulumo zoguquko lwase-Afrika.
I-Unisa inezindawo ezibanzi zocwaningo ezinhlanu eziyingqilasizinda:
Ukunikeza umfutho ocwaningweni kulezi zindawo okugxilwe kuzona, i-Unisa inenqwaba yezikhungo namahhovisi azinikele, okuhlanganisa nalokhu okulandelayo:
I-Unisa isingathe izihlalo zocwaningo eziyisikhombisa, kanye nosihlalo oyedwa wocwaningo oxhaswe yi-Unisa
Unisa e na le moetlo o hlasimolohileng o mahlahahlaha wa ho etsa dipatlisiso, mme morero wa yona o matla wa phetoho o kgothaletsa mokgwa wa boiqapelo wa mekgwa e metjha ya ho tseba. Mona barutehi le baithuti ba moraorao ba ikemiseditse ho fumana dipatlisiso le ditharollo tse ntjha tse tla sebetsana le dipotso tsa bohlokwa tsa naha le tsa lefatshe, le ho kenya letsoho boiketlong ba moruo, setjhabeng, setso le tikoloho ya Afrika Borwa le kontinente ya Afrika.
Unisa, ho etswa boiteko bo bong le bo bong ho theha le ho hodisa tikoloho eo bafuputsi ba ka phelang ho yona, ho sa tsotellehe hore na ba kgetha ho hlahloba mafatshe a matjha kapa ho sebedisa mehopolo e metjha mathateng a sebele a lefatshe. Ho fihlela sena e tsehetsa dipatlisiso tsa mantlha, tsa maano le tse sebedisitsweng hammoho le merero ya boqapi le ya kgwebo, e tsetela dithutong tsa moraorao le ho hlahloba meedi e metjha e sebete dithutong tse mmalwa tsa bohlokwa.
Yunivesiti e na le letamo la bafuputsi ba nang le talenta bao ho bona ba fetang 235 ba fumaneng ditekanyetso tsa National Research Foundation (NRF). Selemo le selemo, bafuputsi ba yunivesiti ba kenya letsoho ho feta dingodilweng tse 1 323 dikoranteng tse ngodisitsweng ka molao. Unisa e boetse e ithorisa ka baithuti ba masters le ba bongaka ba ka bang 10 700.
Akademi ya Mahlale ya Afrika Borwa (ASSAf) e bala bafuputsi ba Unisa ba 26 hara ditho tsa yona, ha bafuputsi ba 11 e le ditho tsa South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS).
Bo-ramahlale ba bararo ba Unisa ba hara bo-ramahlale ba bahlano ba hodimo haholo ba qotsitsweng Afrika Borwa.
Khampaseng ya Mahalale ya Unisa, ho ipapisitswe le ho hodisa bokgoni ba dipatlisiso le ho tshehetsa mesebetsi ya dipatlisiso mafapheng a mahalale, boenjenere le thekenoloji, mmoho le temothuo le mahlale ya tikoloho. Ka dilaboratori tse tswetseng pele (disebediswa tse sa amaneng ka kakaretso le ditsi tse pharaletseng tse bulehileng, tse hole le tsa ho Ithuta ka ilektroniki), Khamphase ya Mahalale ke sebaka seo bo-ramahlale ba fihlelang ho etsa seo ba ratang ho se etsa - ho sebedisa kgopolo-taba.
Bohareng ba yunivesiti le ho fana ka tshehetso e ikgethang ho bafuputsi, Laeborari ya Unisa ke laeborari e kgolo ka ho fetisisa ya thuto kontinenteng ya rona, mme ke e nngwe ya tse filweng molemo ka ho fetisisa mabapi le disebediswa tsa tlhahisoleseding le theknoloji ya tlhahisoleseding. Ho feta moo, ke e nngwe ya dilaeborari tse kgolo ka ho fetisisa tse inehetseng le tse bulehileng tsa thuto lefatsheng.
Kholeje ya setsi ya Dithuto tse Phahameng e fana ka sethala sa dipatlisiso bakeng sa baithuti ba moraorao dikholejeng tsohle, kahoo e kgothalletsa bokgabane ba thuto le dipatlisiso.
Yunivesiti e boetse e na le Laeborari ya Mopresidente ya Thabo Mbeki (TMPL). E na le polokelo e felletseng ya ditokomane, dipampiri le mesebetsi ya matsoho ya Mopresidente wa mehleng Thabo Mbeki le baetapele ba bang ba Afrika, TMPL ke laeborari e phelang le setsi sa bohlokwa sa Afrika sa thuto, dipatlisiso le dipuo bakeng sa phetoho ya Afrika.
Unisa e na le dibaka tse hlano tse hlokahalang tsa dipatlisiso:
Ho fana ka tshusumetso ya ho etsa dipatlisiso dibakeng tsena tse tsepamisitsweng maikutlo, Unisa e na le ditsi tse ngata tse inehetseng le diofisi, ho kenyeletswa tse latelang:
Unisa e na le ditulo tse supileng tse filweng diphuputso, le setulo se le seng sa dipatlisiso se tshehetswang ke Unisa.
Unisa het ’n lewendige en dinamiese navorsingskultuur. Die universiteit se sterk transformasie-agenda ondersteun ’n kreatiewe benadering tot die ontdekking van nuwe kennis. By Unisa is akademici en nagraadse studente verbind tot navorsing en die soeke na innoverende oplossings wat belangrike nasionale en wêreldwye vraagstukke aanpak en tot die ekonomiese, maatskaplike, kulturele en omgewingswelstand van Suid-Afrika en die Afrika-vasteland bydra.
By Unisa word alles moontlik gedoen om ’n omgewing te skep waar navorsers hulle passie kan uitleef, of dit nou is om nuwe wêrelde te verken of nuwe idees op werklike probleme toe te pas. Unisa ondersteun gevolglik basiese, strategiese en toegepaste navorsing, asook innovasie en kommersialiseringsprojekte. Die universiteit investeer in nagraadse studies en ontgin nuwe terreine in verskeie kardinale dissiplines.
Unisa het ’n poel talentvolle navorsers, waarvan meer as 235 graderings van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS) ontvang het. Die universiteit se navorsers publiseer jaarliks meer as 1 323 artikels in geakkrediteerde vaktydskrifte. Unisa het ook nagenoeg 10 700 meesters- en doktorsgraad-studente.
Die Wetenskapakademie van Suid-Afrika (ASSAf) het 26 Unisa-navorsers onder sy lede en die Suid-Afrikaanse Jong Akademie vir Wetenskap (SAYAS) het 11 Unisa-navorsers onder sy lede.
Drie Unisa-wetenskaplikes is onder die top vyf wetenskaplikes in Suid-Afrika wat die meeste aangehaal word.
By Unisa se Wetenskapkampus is die fokus op die uitbreiding van navorsingskapasiteit en die ondersteuning van navorsingsaktiwiteite op die gebied van wetenskap, ingenieurswese en tegnologie, sowel as landbou en omgewingswetenskappe. Die Wetenskapkampus beskik oor laboratoriums wat aan die voorpunt van tegnologie is (fasiliteite wat normaalweg nie met instellings vir omvattende en oop e-afstandsleer geassosieer word nie). By hierdie kampus kan wetenskaplikes doen waarvoor hulle lief is – hulle kan teorie prakties toepas.
Die Unisa-biblioteek (Unisa Library) is die kern van die universiteit en verleen uitsonderlike ondersteuning aan navorsers. Dié biblioteek is die grootste akademiese biblioteek op die Afrika-vasteland en een van die bes toegeruste wat inligtingshulpbronne en inligtingstegnologie betref. Dit is daarbenewens een van die grootste toegewyde oop- en afstandsonderrig-biblioteke in die wêreld.
Die instelling se Kollege vir Nagraadse Studies (College of Graduate Studies) bied ’n virtuele navorsingsplatform aan nagraadse studente in al die kolleges en bevorder sodoende interdissiplinêre navorsing en navorsingsuitnemendheid.
Die universiteit huisves ook die Thabo Mbeki Presidensiële Biblioteek. Dié biblioteek is ’n omvattende bewaarplek vir die dokumente, geskrifte en artefakte van oudpresident Thabo Mbeki en ander Afrika-leiers. Dit is ’n lewende biblioteek en ’n belangrike Afrika-sentrum vir leer, navorsing en diskoers ter ondersteuning van die transformasie van Afrika.