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Opening the skies for women in aviation

Unmanned arial vehicles (UAVs) have been used in a variety of applications over the last decade, including object detection and tracking, public security, traffic surveillance, military operations, exploration of hidden or hazardous areas, indoor or outdoor navigation, atmospheric sensing, post-disaster operations, healthcare, data sharing, infrastructure management, emergency and crisis management, freight transportation, wildfire monitoring and logistics.


The Inhlanyelo Hub Drone Diva Programme takes to the sky in September 2023 to empower women in aviation. The project features drone pilot training, drone technology development (coding), drone industry optimisation and drone manufacturing. 

Applications from young women were invited through the Unisa Alumni Office and established collaborators within this industry. The programme will catalyse more women to participate in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) driven careers. Applications of unmanned aviation vehicles (drones) are expanding exceptionally due to their advanced use in the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G and B5G. 

As a new project, initial interest was limited, and 15 young women are starting the programme next month. For the first cohort, the training will be based in Gauteng only, but subsequent cohorts will benefit from the programme nationwide.

This programme not only opens opportunities for young women to enter the growing drone economy and aviation industry, but it is also aligned with the vision of the Unisa Catalytic Research Niche Areas. The project originated from the drive for drone innovation and adoption as the next area where the African continent will dominate. 

The potential for drone technology has similar potential as demonstrated by the leapfrogging that happened with the mobile phone adoption in Africa. It was not just lower costs and lower complexities for rural communication but also innovation which led to mobile financing, pay-as-you-go innovations and other technologies. The commercial applications of drones are unlimited and find applications in mining, security, surveying, agriculture and nature reservation. 

Prof Raphael Mpofu, Interim Chief Executive Officer, states: "As we launch this programme during South Africa's Women's Month, let us embrace the soaring spirit of innovation and witness the African continent rise as a powerhouse in the realm of drone technology. As mobile phones revolutionised communication, drones are the key to unlocking limitless possibilities. Let us pioneer a future where African innovation transcends boundaries and propels us to new heights of progress."

For more information on the Inhlanyelo Hub, visit their website


* Submitted by Inhlanyelo Hub

Publish date: 2023/08/23

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