Following months of inaccurate, negative reporting on Unisa by some media outlets, Professor Puleng LenkaBula, Principal and Vice-Chancellor (VC), and her executive management team took the bull by the horns at a frank and wide-ranging media briefing.
Held at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria on 23 August in the run-up to a Principal’s Summit held at the venue later in the day, the briefing took the form of a presentation by the VC on the university’s current status and recent achievements in its core business areas, followed by a no-holds-barred question-and-answer session with media representatives.
In attendance were, among others, journalists from eNCA, Eyewitness News and Maroela Media.
Unisa Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Puleng LenkaBula, responding to media questions
The media lauded as an important institution
Welcoming attendees, the VC said that she was pleased that Unisa’s management and members of the media had found time to meet and discuss the state of Unisa – one of the important national and regional assets of Africa. “Given the important role of Unisa in the imagination, development and prosperity of Africa,” she said, “this conversation is long overdue. I must state up front that, as Unisa, this is an engagement that we have been planning to have for quite some time; but could not do so due to other pressing matters beyond our control. I can also say without any doubt that Unisa respects the media as one of the important institutions that strengthen our democracy and systems of governance. It is for this reason that we felt this media briefing must take place.”
Referencing issues that, in some instances, received less-than-accurate reporting in the media, the VC discussed the Report of the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) tasked with conducting an independent review of Unisa, the appointment of an independent assessor, the disruption of the first week of the 2022 autumn graduation ceremonies and subsequent postponements forced by the prevailing circumstances at the time, unfounded perceptions about the integrity of the university’s qualifications, and student services concerns.
A clean bill of health by any standards
She proceeded to address each of these in detail, laying to rest inaccurate perceptions contained in some media reports. Concerning the university’s state of health, she discussed its upward movement in international indicators and rankings, its high-calibre academics and researchers, the institution’s internationally accredited qualifications, the strong increase in National Research Foundation ratings of its talented researchers in the past two years, its internationally awarded flagship research projects, its exciting range of catalytic niche areas and its healthy balance sheet.
“The entire academic community has bought into our vision and many great things have already happened and continue to happen inside the university and the knowledge communities we seek to impact,” said the VC. “Contrary to misleading reports, the academic project remains at the centre of our existence.”
Click here to read Professor LenkaBula’s full statement.
Click here to view the Unisa fact sheet distributed to media representatives.
Extra time was allowed to ensure that all media representatives had the opportunity to pose questions to the VC and her executive team. Questions touched on, among others, the recent labour unrest at the university and dismissal of union shop stewards, alleged misappropriation of funds, issues around salary increases, the MTT report, the appointment of a independent assessor, and the institution’s ICT systems.
In each instance the VC provided an unambiguous, fact-based answer, followed by further elucidation by the relevant vice-principal to whose portfolio the question related.
The Unisa executive team (from left): Ms Mathabo Nakene, Chief Information Officer / Vice-Principal: Information and Communication Technology, Prof Zodwa Madikane, Vice-Principal: Teaching, Learning, Community Engagement and Student Support, Mr Matsiababa Motebele, Vice-Principal: Operations and Facilities, Prof Puleng LenkaBula, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Thenjiwe Meyiwa, Vice-Principal: Research, Postgraduate Studies, Innovation and Commercialisation, Mr Khathutshelo Ramukumba, Chief Financial Officer, and Prof Khehla Ndlovu, Vice Principal: Strategy, Risk and Advisory Services
Unisa’s media officers were on hand to assist journalists with further questions they may have, and to put them in touch with the relevant parties at the institution.
Expertly guiding the briefing was Unisa’s Executive Director: Department of Institutional Advancement, Ms Khanya Mahlare
Commitment to public accountability
In conclusion, the VC assured media representatives that her door, and that of Unisa, is always open to them. “As Principal and Vice-Chancellor,” she said, “my focus is on the strategic vision and plan of the university. More importantly, the academic project is my greatest commitment and within the context of my accountabilities, I will do everything within my talents, the legal prescripts and the available resources to protect and advance the academy. Such a commitment includes ensuring that we hold each other accountable for the national asset with which our people entrusted us. We will build meaningful and enduring partnerships internally and externally based on sound ethics, mutual respect, observance of the rule of law, common principles and a shared vision. We remain committed to shaping African futures in service of humanity.”
Click here to view a recording of the media briefing.
* By Philip van der Merwe, Editor, Department of Institutional Advancement
Publish date: 2022/08/23