College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences

A research pursuit to find day-to-day solutions to farming challenges

Prof Monnye Mabelebele

Prof Monnye Mabelebele was recently awarded a Y2 National Research Foundation (NRF) rating. Expressing her sentiments on the rating, she says: "I am more than overwhelmed because this is an indication of the impact my research has in the field of agriculture (animal science). This rating has potential to open many doors of opportunity for me as an emerging researcher."

The NRF Y-rating recognises young researchers who have held a doctorate or equivalent qualification for less than five years at the time of application, and who are recognised as having the potential to establish themselves as researchers within five years after evaluation, based on their performance and productivity as researchers during their doctoral studies and/or early postdoctoral careers. The Y2-rating identifies Mabelebele as having the potential to establish herself as a researcher, this having been demonstrated by her recent research outputs.

Mabelebele’s research field is that of animal science with a focus on animal nutrition. Her recent research has been into the utilisation of novel feed ingredients and medicinal plant extracts in livestock production and reproduction. In her research, Mabelebele sets out to identify the metabolite profiles of possible feed ingredients for potential use in animal diets, as well as the health benefits associated with medicinal plants in livestock and the reproductive and digestive physiology of farm animals. Her work also looks into meat and egg quality parameters and cost-benefit analysis as it applies to the use of novel feed ingredients.

Asked who or what inspires her in this research field, Mabelebele says: "I have had several mentors along my journey and they continue to be my inspiration in the field of Animal Science. The first two are Prof Norris (Vice-Chancellor at the University of Botswana) and Prof Ngambi (Full Professor in Animal Science at the University of Limpopo), both of whom were my master’s degree supervisors. They are, of course, both C-rated by the NRF. Thirdly, there is Prof Paul Iji, my PhD promoter who was in Australia where I obtained my PhD and who is now Dean of the School of Agriculture at Fiji University." Mabelebele’s primary influence, however, was her father who is a farmer. "I have always wanted to find day-to-day solutions to problems we face on the farm. This desire made it easy for me to focus on agricultural research," she says. Mabelebele also stays true to Unisa’s vision of contributing to the knowledge and information society – which it achieves through its impactful research outputs – and among her many achievements, she is both sub-editor of the South African Journal of Animal Science and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom.

* By Tshimangadzo Mphaphuli, Senior Journalist, Department of Institutional Advancement

Publish date: 2021/07/29