College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences

Health and life skills training

In developing countries, the prevention of infection is a priority area for all healthcare workers (HCW) and providing nutrition education interventions to such HCWs would assist them and, in turn, directly benefit their communities. A reduction in disease transmission can often be effected by behaviour change and, therefore, health and nutrition education that is aimed at informing the community participants about the cause of disease and preventative measures, is vital. Some of the nutrition-related education encourage breastfeeding as a means of preventing diarrhoea while others are directly related to food, for example those regarding the many food-borne diseases that may be reduced through improved food hygiene.

The health and life skills training courses will equip the community HCWs and caregivers and other community members with knowledge and confidence in decision-making regarding critical aspects of health and nutrition management with the aim to improve and optimise nutrition, health, food security and business opportunities. Thus, the purpose of the courses is to facilitate evaluation, comprehension and application of information on specific nutrition-, health-, sewing- , baking-, barista skills and basic farming-related matters. Completion of these courses will provide knowledge of general.

Last modified: 2023/08/07