College of Human Sciences

Internationally acclaimed researcher retires

The Office for Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Human Sciences hosted a virtual farewell for Prof Tilman Dedering, a valued member of staff, who dedicated 30 years of his academic career to Unisa. He joined the Department of History in the College of Human Sciences (CHS) at the university in 1990.

Prof Mandla Makhanya (Principal and Vice-Chancellor) and Prof Les Labuschagne (Executive Director: Research, Innovation and Commercialisation) congratulate Prof Tilman Dedering (CHS) (centre) on his NRF B2 rating as an internationally acclaimed researcher at the 2017 Research and Innovation awards ceremony.

Apart from his teaching responsibilities, Dedering has been instrumental in enhancing the research reputation of CHS and the university. He has published a book, co-edited two books, authored 11 chapters in books (including contributions to international encyclopaedias, and one festschrift), 12 articles in international journals, six articles in South African journals and 66 book reviews. He has presented 21 conference papers (13 international conferences, 8 in South Africa) and 15 seminar papers (national and international).

The impact of his research was confirmed when he was awarded a B3 rating as an internationally acclaimed researcher by the National Research Foundation (NRF) in 2004 and 2010. In 2017, he obtained a B2 rating, acknowledging him as an internationally acclaimed researcher.

In addition, Dedering was elected as a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) in 2013. The criterion for election to ASSAf is significant achievement in the advancement or application of science.

Thank you, Prof Dedering, for your service to Unisa.

* By Rivonia Naidu-Hoffmeester, Communications and Marketing Specialist, College of Human Sciences

Bumper crop of awards presented at grand finale of R&I week

Publish date: 2020/07/09