International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications 2019

Students Support

Call for student participation at ICMSA-2019

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at UNISA would like to invite applicants for financial supports to attend the ICMSA 2019. Due to limited funds, applications by masters and doctoral students will be vetted at a high competitive level. At most three honours students will be granted funding, with the provision that they will present their research reports.

The application for financial support to students traveling to attend the ICMSA-2019 conference is available via the ICMSA-2019 website. The student support is advertised just like any open call, and it can also be made available via ICMSA-2019 email. The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of South Africa is administering the funds for student support.

Who should apply?

Any postgraduate (i.e., honours, masters, or doctoral) student registered at a South African institution in any discipline within mathematical sciences may apply, provided that he/she will present a talk/poster at the conference.

Students from under-represented groups in mathematical sciences (for instance, female students) are particularly invited to apply. There will be funds designated specifically for that group.

Important dates

  • Application Deadline: June 30, 2019
  • Deadline for submission of receipts: September 15, 2019 (TBC)


The financial support is limited to only covering the following items:

  •   Registration;
  •   accommodation (shared rooms strictly at Saint George Hotel) and conference registration
  •   Meals (breakfast, lunch and gala dinner)..

Please note that the amount of financial support for successful applicants is only related to above mentioned items and we clearly state that No cash reiumbursment will be allowed.

The financial support does not cover any personal expenses, and it cannot be used for other purposes, such as excursion activities or visit to historical places before or after the conference.

Application Submission

Applications for financial support (must not necessarily include funding for travel or any travel support) must be limited to and include the following:

  • A one-page of motivational statement from the student indicating his/her background, research focus or interest, and estimated budget or financial need for attending the conference;
  • A recommendation letter to support the student’s application from the student’s supervisor;
  • Proof of registration.

Applications must be submitted as a single document (PDF) attached to an email with the subject heading: “ICMSA 2019 Application for Student Support.” Please send to the email: and copies to: and by the close of business on 15 June 2019. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Additional details for the support

The student financial support will not be in the reimbursement form on participant expenses.

NB! The support does not include excursion and travel to shops and surrounding areas. Students will use their own funds for such expenses since ICMSA 2019 does not cover that.

The qualified students must provide documentation of complete expenses incurred, particularly including receipts for transportation expenses that will be claimed. All expenses (including transportation) that are not documented will not be reimbursed by ICMSA 2019. Receipts and travel details for approved financial support will be submitted to the Organising Committee no later than 15 September 2019. Please send all documentation for expenses to and Cc the emails and

Last modified: 2023/08/07