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Research Report: Consumer Psychology - HRIOP85

Year module NQF level: 8 Credits: 36
Module presented in Module presented online
Co-requisite: HMEMS80
Purpose: This module deals with consumer well-being, and how Consumer Psychology knowledge contributes towards achieving this state. The learning is facilitated, particularly within the South African socio-political, socio-economic, legal and multi-cultural environment. It focuses on how transformative consumer research may enrich consumer research in this country. This module prepares students for post-graduate study by consolidating and deepening their expertise in the field of Consumer Psychology. It involves a research proposal, under guided supervision. Qualifying students can demonstrate: Applied competence in selected practice areas of Consumer Psychology to improve consumers' quality of life. A critical understanding of Consumer Psychology as applied in the global and African context with particular reference to transformative consumer research. Conducting and writing an applicable research proposal in Consumer Psychology.