College of Accounting Sciences

Executive Dean's message

It is with great pleasure that I welcome all our students and stakeholders to Unisa’s College of Accounting Sciences (CAS). At the College of Accounting Sciences (CAS), we are committed to providing excellence in accounting education by providing exceptional educational opportunities that prepare our students for success in the dynamic world of accounting, tax as well as auditing.

Our college offers highly sought-after qualifications that are registered with DHET, accredited by SAQA and indorsed by, renowned professional bodies such as ACCA,  CIMA, IIA, SAICA, SAIGA, SAIT, and SAIPA. These accreditations are a reflection of our dedication to upholding the highest standards of education and ensuring that our graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their careers.

As a college, our focus is on teaching and learning, research and engage scholarship. You can find out more about those pillars by clicking on the links provided within the college’s webpage. With a team of 259 staff members, including professors, lecturers, as well as administrative staff members, our students benefit from a rich learning environment that offers a perfect balance of theoretical knowledge and practical insights. Notably, many of our professors have received acknowledgments from professional bodies such as ABASA, CIMA, and SAIGA, further affirming our commitment to excellence.

To enhance the student experience, we offer a range of activities such as student orientation programs, accounting professional days, and networking sessions where students have the opportunity to interact with potential employers and industry experts. Additionally, our strong partnerships with organizations such as ABASA, FASSET and Bankseta provide funding and support to our students, ensuring their success throughout their academic journey.

At CAS we understand the importance of staying at the forefront of technological advancements. Therefore, our assessments are conducted online to ensure that our students are in line with the rest of the institutions and are well-prepared for the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

We value our partnerships with all stakeholders and remain dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment that nurtures growth and success. We look forward to embarking on this journey together and shaping futures of accounting professions.

Dr Moses Thabang Hlongoane
Executive Dean: College of Accounting Sciences

Last modified: 2024/04/02