
Kenya Alumni Chapter unpacks the power of networking

After two years of Covid-19 restrictions, 89 Kenyan Unisa alumni gathered in Nairobi during a breakfast event to catch up with former fellow students, and network. It proved to be a day of reconnecting and establishing new friendships, with the common denominator being their role as ambassadors of the University of South Africa (Unisa).

Lynette van Niekerk and Cilla Boucher of Unisa’s Department of institutional advancement are joined by Erick Opingo (guest speaker) and Faith Wamuyu (Unisa Alumni Convenor in Kenya)

The Kenya Chapter convenor, Faith Wamuyu, welcomed her fellow alumni and predicted that the momentum would pick up in Kenya, given the number of scheduled alumni activities and planned projects. Wamuyu has led the chapter through two very difficult years, and has been instrumental in assisting several alumni with accreditation processes and related matters.

The highlight of the day was the address by Erick Opingo, renowned Kenyan author and motivational speaker. In his unique and interactive approach to addressing an audience, he had attendees on the edges of their seats as he inspired them to rekindle their Unisa networks. “No one shines alone,” he said in his opening statement. He also inspired the alumni to become more involved in mentoring opportunities: “Investment can only be great if it is made in people; what you do for yourself dies, what you do for others, lives on,” he concluded.

Alumni discussed their continued involvement with, and support for, the university. Many attendees confirmed their intention to pursue postgraduate studies through Unisa. Selected alumni also indicated that they would be attending the supervisory training currently offered by the School of Graduate Studies – training which is ultimately envisaged to improve Unisa’s throughput of master’s and doctoral students.

* By Cilla Boucher, Alumni Relations Officer, Department of Institutional Advancement


Publish date: 2022/05/05

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