Counselling and Career Development

Change your career

There could be several reasons you would want to change your career:

  • You are experiencing challenges related to your planned career path. For example, you are working in an environment that is not conducive to your career development or you are no longer engaged with your work. Your planned career path may also present challenges such as requiring full-time study that you cannot afford.
  • You no longer feel connected with your planned career path. For example, how you perceive your career has changed, or your circumstances have changed and you now need to adjust your career planning accordingly.
  • You may have started working directly after high school and have even completed some qualifications and training related to your current position. Now you want to return to your initial career dream.

Ask yourself

  1. Why do you want to change?
  2. What do you want to change?
  3. What are your next steps?

What next?

  • Download and complete the Making a career change conversation sheet. This will help you to reflect on some of the important aspects of making a career change.

Last modified: 2023/08/07