Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies

Prof EC du Plessis

College of Education
School of Teacher Education
Department: Curriculum and Instructional Studies
Tel: 012 429 4033


  • Assessment
  • Curriculum studies
  • Distance education
  • ODL (e-Learning)
  • Teacher development & support


  • HED (1986, RAU)
  • B.Ed.(HONS) (1988, RAU)
  • M.Ed. (Curriculum studies) (1990, RAU)
  • D.Ed. (Didactics) (1995, RAU)

NRF Rating


Currently teaching

  • Curriculum Studies (CUS3701)

Fields of academic interests

  • Teacher training by means of exploring the challenges of ODeL teacher education pedagogic and assessment practices

Field of Specialisation

  • Curriculum Studies
  • Teacher training
  • Distance education/ODeL
  • Online assessment


  • Celia Booyse & Elize Du Plessis. 2014. Curriculum Studies: Development, Interpretation, Plan and Practice. 2nd ISBN 978 0 627 03116 8. Pretoria: Van Schaik (Curriculum design and the influence of policy documents on interpretation and implementation; Putting the curriculum plan into teaching practice:  from the intended to the enacted and assessed, pp 45-112).
  • Celia Booyse & Elize Du Plessis. 2015. Kurrikulumstudies: Ontwikkeling, Interpretasie, Plan en Praktyk. ISBN 978 0 627 03279 0. Pretoria: Van Schaik (Kurrikulumontwerp en die invloed van beleidsdokumente op interpretasie en implementering; Verwerklik die kurrikulumplan in onderrigpraktyk:van voorgeskrewe dokument na toepassing en assessering, pp 38-67; 100-118).
  • Gravett, S., De Beer, J.J. & Du Plessis, E.C. (Eds.) 2015. Becoming a teacher.2nd ISBN (printed): 978 1 775 95019 6. E-pub ISBN (epdf: 978 1 775 95566 5). Cape Town: Pearson (The teacher as a curriculum interpreter, designer and implementer, pp 77-109).
  • Maphalala, M. (Ed). 2015. Teaching and Learning Strategies in South Africa. ISBN 978 1 473 70919 5. Hampshire: Cengage Publishers (Cooperative learning strategies, pp 55-68).
  • Joubert, I., Hartell, C. & Lombard, K. (Eds). 2016. Navorsingsboek - 'n Gids vir die Beginnernavorser.ISBN 978 0 627 03291 2. Pretoria: Van Schaik (Etiese aspekte in navorsing; Begronde teorie as navorsingsmetode, pp 73-81; 217-230).
  • Celia Booyse & Elize Du Plessis. 2018. Curriculum Studies: Development, Interpretation, Plan and Practice. 3rd ISBN: 9780627035876. (eISBN: 978 0 627 03588 3). Pretoria: Van Schaik (pp 27-104).
  • Gravett, S., De Beer, J.J. & Du Plessis, E.C. (Eds.) 2019. Becoming a teacher. UNISA edition. ISBN: 978 1 485 70973 2. (E-pdf: 978 1 485 70974 9) Person (73-104).
  • Celia Booyse, Elize Du Plessis & Mncedisi Maphalala. 2020. Curriculum studies in context.UNISA Edition. ISBN: 978 0 627 03750 4 (eISBN: 978 0 627 03751 1). Pretoria: Van Schaik (pp 1-35; 52-91).
  • Celia Booyse, Elize Du Plessis & Mncedisi Maphalala. 2020. Curriculum studies in context.4th  ISBN: 978 0 627 03748 1 (eISBN: 978 0627 03749 8). Pretoria: Van Schaik (pp 1-6; 41-77;102-105).
  • Celia Booyse, Elize Du Plessis & Mncedisi Maphalala. 2020. Curriculum studies in context. 4th ISBN 978 0 627 03748 1 (eISBN 978 0627 03749 8). Pretoria: Van Schaik (pp 1-6; 41-77;102-105).
  • Makoelle, T.M., Mestry, R. & Du Plessis, P. (Eds). 2023. Schools Effectiveness and Schools Improvement in South Africa: A Guide for School Leaders. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP). ISBN: 1-5275-2518-X. ISBN13: 978-1-5275-2518-4. Chapter 4 (34 pages).
  • Celia Booyse, Elize Du Plessis & Mncedisi Maphalala. 2023. Kurrikulumstudies in konteks. 2nd ISBN 978 0 627 04140 2. Pretoria: Van Schaik (pp 1-16; 35-74; 84-106).
  • Joubert, I. & Hartell, C. (Eds). 2024. Navorsing - 'n Gids vir die beginnernavorser. Tweede uitgawe. 2nd ISBN 978-0-627-04084-9 (eISBN 978-0-627-04085-6). Pretoria: Van Schaik (Etiese aspekte in navorsing; Begronde teorie as navorsingsmetode, pp 73-81; 217-230).

Journal articles

Articles in accredited journals during the last ten years

    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Van der Westhuizen, G.J. 2024. Covid-19’s Emotional Toll on Students: Experiences during Online Assessments in an Open and Distance Learning Programme. Commonwealth Youth and Development.  #10361 | 17 pages. Print ISSN 1727-7140; eISSN 2663-6549. [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. 2013. Insights from returning teachers' exposure to curriculum change and professional developmen ACTA Academica.45(1):58-78. ISSN 0587-2405. [SCOPUS]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Marais, P. 2013.Emotional experiences of student teachers during teaching practice: a case study. Progressio: South African journal for open and distance learning practice. 35(1):208-224. ISSN 0256-8853. [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. 2013. Mentorship challenges in the teaching practice of distance learning students. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning (IJTL). 8:29-43. ISSN 1818-9687. [DHET]
    • Kamper, G.D. & Du Plessis,C. 2014. Some Critical Reflections On Open Distance Learning, with particular reference to Work-Integrated Learning. Africa Educational Review (AER). 11(1):77-90. doi:10.1080/ 18146627.2013.853568. ISSN 1753-5921. [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Mbunyuza-De Heer Menlah, N.M.M. 2014. Does the Department of Basic Education Take the International Call to Provide Quality Education for all Seriously? International Journal of Social Sciences (JSS). 41(2):209-220. ISSN 0971-8923.  [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Marais, P. 2015. Reflections on the NCS to NCS (CAPS): Foundation phase teachers’ experiences.The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning (IJTL). 10:114-126. ISSN 1818-9687. [DHET]
    • Marais, P. & Du Plessis, E.C. 2015. Learnership in South African Schools as a community of practice: An Open Distance Learning Approach.International Journal of Education Sciences (IJES). 11(3):320-329. ISSN 0975-1122. [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Marais, P. 2017. A Grounded Theory Perspective on Leadership in Multicultural Schools. Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS). 52(5):722-737. DOI: 10.1177/0021909615596764. ISSN 0021-9096. [IBSS]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Marais, P. 2017. Versoening tussen leerders: Is parallelmediumskole die antwoord op die rassismeprobleem?/Reconciliation between learners: Are parallel-medium schools the answer to the problem of racism?Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe (TGW)/ Journal of Humanities. 57(2-2):614-626. DOI.10.17159/2224-7912/2017/v57n2-2a8. ISSN 0041-4751. EISSN 2224-7912. [ISI]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. 2017. Die essensie van morele waardes in die konteks van ‘n parallelmedium skool/The essence of moral values in the context of a parallel-medium school. Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap (TCW)/Journal for Christian scholarship.53(1&2):175-194. ISSN 1013-1116. [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. 2017. The voices of student teachers on e-learning initiatives in a distance education community of practice. Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS).15(1):260-277. ISSN 1684-4998. [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Van der Westhuizen, G.J. 2018. Trends and patterns in the use of grounded theory in educational research in South Africa. Educational Research for Social Change (ERSC). 7(2):1-21. ISSN 2221-4070. [IBSS]
    • Odendaal, R.M. & du Plessis, E.C. 2018.The external school consultant as a proposed agent for school improvement. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning (IJTL). 13(2):82-97. ISSN 2519-5670. [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. 2020. Student teachers’ perceptions, experiences and challenges regarding learner-centred teaching. South African Journal of Education (SAJE). 40(1):Art. #1631, 10 pages. 0256-0100. [IBSS]
    • Rudhumbu, N., Du Plessis, E.C. & Maphosa, C. 2020. Challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs in Botswana: Revisiting the role of entrepreneurship education. Journal of International Education in Business.13(2):183-201. ISSN: 2046-469X. [SCOPUS]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Letshwene, J.M. 2020.A reflection on identified challenges facing South African teachers. Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning (IJTL).15(2):69-91. ISSN 2519-5670. [DHET]
    • Rudhumbu, N. & Du Plessis, E.C. 2021. Factors influencing curriculum implementation in accredited private universities in Botswana. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (JARHE).13(4):1062-1084. e-ISSN:1758-1184. ISSN: 2050-7003. [SCOPUS]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Van der Westhuizen, G.J. 2021. Onderwyserkennis van assessering – implikasies vir onderwysersopleiding. Teacher knowledge of assessment – implications for teacher education. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe (TGW)/ Journal of Humanities. 16(2):551-567. doi.10.17159/2224-7912/2021/v61n2a9. ISSN 0041-4751. EISSN 2224-7912. [ISI]
    • Rudhumbu, N. & Du Plessis, E.C. 2021. Utilizing the expectancy value theory to predict lecturer motivation to apply culturally responsive pedagogies in universities in Botswana. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER).20(7):192-209. Print ISSN 1694-2493; E-ISSN 1694-2116 [Scopus]
    • Rudhumbu, N., Du Plessis, E., Matyokurehwa, K. & Gombiro, C. 2021. Using the personal computer utilization model to predict students’ technology user behaviour in universities in Botswana. International Journal of Learning Technology. [In print]. Print ISSN14778386; E-ISSN 17418119 [Scopus]
    • Du Plessis, EC. 2021. Assessing for learning: Teacher Training in Practice Involving 14 Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Students. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER).20(11):346-365. Print ISSN 1694-2493; E-ISSN 1694-2116 [Scopus]
    • Rudhumbu, N. & Du Plessis, E.C. & Mudau, P. 2021. Predictors of Behavioural Intentions of Teachers to Adopt and Use Information and Communication Technologies in Secondary Schools in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER).20(11):366-386. Print ISSN 1694-2493; E-ISSN 1694-2116 [Scopus]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. & Letshwene, J.M. 2021. The challenges of implementing the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement in Accounting. South African Journal of Education (SAJE).Accepted for February 2022 (in print). ISSN 0256-0100. [IBSS]
    • Rudhumbu, N. & Du Plessis, E.C. 2022. The mediating role of lecturer biographic factors on curriculum implementation in universities. International Review of Education. Vol 68:11-31. 18 April 2022 Print ISSN 00208566. [Scopus]
    • Maja, M.M. & Du Plessis, E.C. 2023. Challenges faced by intermediate Phase English First Additional Language teachers in establishing classroom libraries in Limpopo Province. Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning (IJTL). 18(1):167-180. ISSN1818-9687. [DHET]
    • Green, S.L. & Du Plessis, E.C. 2023. Project-based learning to promote learner autonomy in training hospitality education at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training College. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER). 22(7):136-155. Print ISSN 1694-2493; E-ISSN 1694-2116. [Scopus]
    • Du Plessis, E.C. 2023. The Preparedness of Student Teachers in Open and Distance Learning Environments for the Classroom. Education Sciences, 13(9):934. Open Access. ISSN: 2227-7102. [Scopus]
    • Van den Berg, G. & Du Plessis, E.C. 2023. ChatGPT and Generative AI: Possibilities for its Contribution to Lesson Planning, Critical Thinking and Openness in Teacher Education. Education Sciences, 13(10):998. Open Access. ISSN: 2227-7102. [Scopus]
    • Green, S. & Du Plessis, E.C. 2024. Student Perceptions of Project-Based Learning in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Hospitality Education: A South African Case Study. Journal of Educational Studies (JES). In print. ISSN 1680-7456. [DHET]
    • Du Plessis, A.E., Küng, E. & du Plessis, E.C. 2024. Challenges for Pedagogical Effectiveness in an Ever-Changing Education Landscape: Conceptualisation of Pedagogical Mobility and Flexibility as a Context-Consciousness. Education Sciences, 14(4):349-356. Open Access. ISSN 2227-7102. [Scopus]

    Paper presentations

    • 2013.  SAERA International Conference. ATKV Klein Kariba: 28-31 January: Conference Theme: The state of play in educational research in South Africa:  Practices and perspectives. Session chair: E.C. du Plessis. Presenters: N.M.M. Mbunyuza-De Heer Menlah and E.C. du Plessis. Exploring the prescripts of the SA constitution no 108 of 1966 in the provision of basic education.
    • 2013.  XI Annual International Conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society. Plovdiv, Bulgaria: 14-17 May. Conference theme: Education in One World. Do teachers receive proper in-service training to implement changing policies: perspective from the South-African case?
    • 2013.  Curriculum Reform and Transformation Conference. UNISA: 16-17 October.  Presenter and Session Chair: E.C. du Plessis. Reflections on NCS to CAPS(E.C. du Plessis, P. Marais and A. van Schalkwyk).
    • 2013.  6th Annual Teaching Practice/Didactics Symposium. Riverside Sun Hotel, Vanderbijlpark. 28-29 October.  Presenters: N.M.M. Mbunyuza-De Heer Menlah and E.C. du Plessis. Reflecting on the implementation of CAPS.
    • 2013.  6th Annual Teaching Practice/Didactics Symposium. Riverside Sun Hotel, Vanderbijlpark. 28-29 October.  Presenters: A. van Schalkwyk and P. Marais. Teaching Practice partnerships: Reflection on emotional experiences of mentor teachers in regard to student teachers(A. van Schalkwyk, P. Marais and E.C. du Plessis).
    • 2013.  21st Annual International conference of the Australian Society for French Studies (Pedagogy: teaching in “face-to-face: and “distance” modes). University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia: 9-11th December. Views of distance education students on teaching practice at schools.
    • 2014.  EASA Annual International Conference at Golden Gate National Park Hotel: 12-15 January. Conference theme: The long walk to freedom: Complexities and successes on the road to improved education in South(ern) Africa.  Presenters: A. van Schalkwyk, P. Marais and E.C. du Plessis. Leadership in South African schools: An Open Distance Learning approach.
    • 2014.  6th Annual Teacher Education at a Distance Conference. Kwa Maritane, Pilanesberg. 9-11 April. Conference theme: The changing roles of academics as educators of teachers in and ODeL context. Presenters: E.C. du Plessis, P. Marais and A. van Schalkwyk: Student teachers’ view on E-Learning in an Open Distance Learning platform.
    • 2014.  UMALUSI. Launch: Study report on Distance Education provision. CSIR Convention Centre, Pretoria 31 July. Conference theme: Distance education provision – profile and quality assurance. E-learning within an open distance learning platform.
    • 2014.  2nd SAERA Conference, at the Southern Sun Elangeni & Maharani Hotel Durban. 12-15 August. Conference theme: Research Education: Future Directions. Presenters: E.C. Du Plessis and P. Marais: Grounded theory and leadership research: Challenges in multi-cultural education
    • 2014.  CASI Blended learning in Higher Education: Planning, design and implementation workshop. 20-21 November. Sandton Convention Centre. E-Learning and Access to Internet by students.
    • 2014.  49th DEASA International Conference at Mauritius: 4-7 December. Conference theme: ODL: Towards sustainable development in the SADC Region. Will E-learning enhance sustainable development in Higher Education? Hear our students’ voices.
    • 2015.  EASA Annual International Conference at Legend Golf and Safari Resort: 11-14 January. Conference theme: Celebrating excellence in education: a strong and enduring education system in the first 20 years of democracy. Presenters: E.C. du Plessis and P. Marais: The curriculum and assessment policy statement (CAPS): are we on the high road to educational excellence?
    • 2015.  35th International Seminar for Teacher Education(ISfTE) at Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA: 21-26 June. Conference theme: Critical Issues for Tomorrow’s Teachers. The Essence of Moral Values in a Parallel-Medium School Context.
    • 2015.  7th Annual Teaching Practice/Didactics Symposium Riverside Sun Hotel, Vanderbijlpark.  26-27 October. Presenters: P. Marais and E.C. du Plessis. Overcrowded classrooms: A nightmare for student teachers.
    • 2015.  MGIP 3rd Annual Learnerships & Work Integrated Learning Conference. Protea Hotel OR Tambo. 29 October.  A WIL model in distance education.
    • 2016.  EASA Annual International Conference at Arabella Hotel & Spa, Hermanus: 17-20 January. Conference theme: Dealing with educational inequalities in the age of measurement in South Africa – chasing numbers versus supporting students to succeed. Presenters: E.C. du Plessis and P. Marais: Challenges facing leaders in multicultural schools.
    • 2016.  International Conference on Social Science, Literature, Business and Education at The Holiday Inn Express hotel, New York: 21st-22nd of December. The voices of student teachers on the accessibility of e-learning initiatives in a distance education community of practice.
    • 2017.  EASA Annual International Conference at Khaya iBhubesi, North-West Province: 8-11 January. Conference theme: #InspiredByTheDome: Optimising the impact of our research, teaching and community engagement to facilitate change towards a functional and harmonious, diverse South African education(al) landscape. Paper one: Presenters: E.C. du Plessis and P. Marais: Will e-learning enhance sustainable development in a changing educational landscape? Hear our students‟ voices. Paper two: Presenters: E.C. du Plessis and G.J. van der Westhuizen – University of Johannesburg: The contribution of grounded theory research to the changing educational landscape.
    • 2017.  9th Annual Teaching Practice/Didactics Symposium. Riverside Sun Hotel, Vanderbijlpark. 16-17 October. Presenters: P. Marais and E.C. du Plessis. Learner-centered teaching: A reality or fantasy for student teachers?
    • 2017.  31st International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL), Middlesex University, Mauritius: 14-15 December. Learner-centered Teaching: Student teachers’ voices.
    • 2018.  EASA Annual International Conference at Elangeni Hotel, Durban: 14-17 January.  Conference theme:Charting Inventive Educational Pathways: Theoretical and applied approaches for negotiating the current educational discourses in South Africa.  Presenters: R.M. Odendaal and E.C. du Plessis:  The role of the external school consultant as agent for school improvement. 
    • 2018.  The 13th Multidisciplinary Academic Conference in Prague 2018, Czech Republic: 12-13 October. Classroom readiness of ODL student teachers in South Africa.
    • 2019.  EASA Annual Conference at Protea Hotel, The Ranch, Polokwane: 13-16 January. Conference theme: The paradoxes of educational transformation in South Africa: Discourses and trends. Presenter and session chair:Classroom readiness for ODL student teachers.
    • 2019.  Annual Conference of the International Society for Teacher Education (ISfTE), Middlesex University, Niagara Falls, Canada:  12-17 May 2019. Classroom readiness of open and distance learning student teachers: Can they step out in style?
    • 2020.  ICHE 2020: International Conference on Higher Education. Team International Science Council. Digital. 5-6 November 2020. Classroom Readiness of Open and Distance Learning Student Teachers.
    • 2021.  UNISA ODeL e-Conference. Digital. 4 – 6 August 2021. Presenters: Elize du Plessis and Gert van der Westhuizen.Covid-19’s Emotional Toll on Students: Experiences During Online Assessment in an Open and Distance Learning Programme. 
    • 2022.  EASA Annual Conference at the Century City Hotel and Conference Centre, Cape Town. 8-11 January. Conference theme: Oceans of wisdom, mountains of knowledge, winds of change. Teacher Training in and Open Distance e-learning Community of Practice on Student Needs.
    • 2022.  Education and new developments conference. Madeira, Portugal, 18-20 June. Du Plessis, E.C. and Van der Westhuizen, G.J. Presenter, and session chair: E.C. du Plessis. Building academic integrity through online assessment apps.
    • 2023.  Du Plessis, E.C. and Van den Berg, G. 1st SoTL & ES Conference, Riverstone Lodge, Muldersdrift. 26-28 September. ChatGPT and generative AI: Possibilities for its contribution to lesson planning, critical thinking and openness in teacher education.
    • 2023.  Du Plessis, E.C. ERAS International Conference and WERA Focal Meeting. National Institute of Education, Singapore. 21-24 November. Artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT highlights the possibilities of reimagining online assessment methods.
    • 2024.  EASA Annual Conference at Mount Grace Hotel & Spa, Magaliesburg. 14-17 January. Conference theme: the cradle, evolution and the future of education. Artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT, showcases the potential for rethinking online assessment approaches.

    Professional positions, fellowships & awards

    • Education Association of South Africa (EASA) (Member since January 2009 until present).
    • College of Education Teaching and Learning committee (Member since 2012 until present).
    • South African Education Research Association (SAERA) (Member since August 2013 until present).
    • International Society for Teacher Education (ISfTE) (Member since June 2015 until present).
    • Chair and coordinator of the PGCE (Senior phase and FET) qualification (2015 until present).
    • Chair Teaching and Learning Committee in the Department Curriculum and Instructional Studies and presenter on College Committee (2015 until present).
    • Education Association of South Africa (EASA EXCO) (Portfolio: Special Interest groups for 2017/2018). Interest groups and web page 2019-2021).
    • PQM Steering Committee (Member since 2016 until present).
    • Global Research & Development Services GRDS (Member since January 2017 until present).
    • Exemption committee (Member since 2016 until present).
    • International Editorial board: Academy Journal of Educational Science – Turkey (January 2017 until 2022).
    • Education Association of South Africa (EASA EXCO): Incoming Chair (2022).
    • Radio interviews with several radio stations regarding the matric results of 2022.
    • Education Association of South Africa (EASA EXCO): Chairperson (2023).
    • In collaboration with Dr Anna E. du Plessis from the university of New England, Australia and Dr Bayeck (Utah state university) (2023).
    • Guest editor for a special issue of the Journal of Education Sciences 2023.
    • Critical reviewer of articles for several national and international journals.
    • External examiner of numerous M&D students.
    • Education Association of South Africa (EASA EXCO): Outgoing Chairperson (2024).
    • National Research Foundation (NRF) C2 rating (22 March 2024)


    • Funded registered community project with the district of Johannesburg East. #CN5600. Topic: Deputy principal as curriculum and instructional leaders (2018 until present). Leadership role will include CAPS training and implementation. Supervise MEd student from the project, assist young academics with research.
    • Workshops for Nigerian school principals (2013-2015).
    • Adopt a student:  Miss Olga Busi Mahlangu to complete her Diploma in Gr R teaching (2017-2020).
    • Assessment and curriculum committee at Hoërskool Uitsig (Multicultural school), involved in CAPS training.
    • Chair of the re-curriculation task-team of the PGCE (Senior phase and FET) programme according to the new policy: Minimum requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (Government Gazette 25 July 2011/2015) (2011-2017).
    • PQM Steering committee of the College of Education for the PGCE (Senior phase and FET) (2016 until present).
    • Acting as critical reviewer for Engaged Scholarship (ES) articles.
    • International collaboration.