Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies

Prof NP Khumalo

College of Education
School of Teacher Education
Department: Curriculum and Instructional Studies
Associate Professor


  • Doctor of Education (Curriculum Studies)
  • Master of Education
  • National Diploma in Human Resources Management
  • Higher Diploma in Adult Basic Education
  • Certificate in Adult Basic Education
  • Bachelor of Education (Honours)
  • B.Paed (Bachelaureus Paedomomiae)

Currently teaching

  • BTE2601 Being a Teacher

Fields of academic interests

  • Teacher Education
  • Curriculum studies
  • English language teaching (FAL)
  • Experiential learning (work-integrated learning/teaching practice)

Field of Specialisation

  • Assessment
  • Academic literacy


  • Maphalala MC, Govender SA & Khumalo NP (2023) The Role of the School Management Team in the Management and Monitoring of the Curriculum in King Cetshwayo Secondary Schools; In Maphalala MC & Mphahlele RS (2023) Towards Innovative Ways of Managing Curriculum in Rural Secondary Schools in the Twenty-First Century (10-24) (In Press) Brill Publisher, ISBN: 978-90-04-54343-0

  • Maphalala MC, Kutame AP, Khumalo NP & Buthelezi AB (2023) The Perspective of Teachers on Parental Involvement in Rural Education; In Mphahlele RS & Maphalala MC (2023) Contextualising Rural Education in South African Schools (In Press) Brill Publisher, ISBN: 978- 90-04-54343-0

  • Maphalala MC & Khumalo NP (2023) Revisiting South African Intervention Programmes to Enhance Rural Education; In Mphahlele RS & Maphalala MC (2023) Contextualising Rural Education in South African Schools (In Press) Brill Publisher, ISBN: 978-90-04-54343-0

  • Maphalala, M. C., & Khumalo, N. P. (2021). Curriculum Management in KZN Rural High Schools: Enablers and Constraints. In A. Mawela, M. van Wyk, L. Lebeloane, & A. Mudau (Ed.), Investigating the Roles of School Management Teams in Curriculum Delivery (pp. 1-14). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7168-2.ch001: ISBN; 9781799871682

  • Maphalala MC, Khumalo NP, Buthelezi AB, Mabusela MS, Gamede BT, Sibaya DC & Nzima DR (2018) Lessons learnt through Jika iMfundo programme in managing school curriculum in King Cetshwayo district: The Programme to Improve Learning Outcomes (PILO). In Christie P and Monyokolo M, (Eds). (2018). Learning about sustainable change in education in South Africa: The Jika iMfundo campaign 2015-2017(pp.136-158) Saide: Johannesburg

Journal articles

  • Carter, J., Pillay, P., Podpadec, T., Gina, J., Khumalo, N., Knight, B., ... & Vickers‐Hulse, K. (2024). ‘It's like a compass which I use to find direction’: Findings and learning from an evaluation of an App designed to support the teaching of reading comprehension in rural and township schools in South Africa. Literacy.

  • Ndlovu, B; Khumalo N.P and Mokoena, S (2023): Accounting educators’ teaching practices associated with learners’ performance in High Schools, (Accepted for publication) South African Journal of Education, Volume 43, Supplement 2, December 2023.

  • Ajani, O. A., & Khumalo, N. P. (2023). Aftermaths of the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Experiences: Assessing and Repositioning South African Higher Education. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(6), 674-683.

  • Maphalala, M. C., Khumalo, N. P., & Khumalo, P.N . (2021). Student teachers’ experiences of the emergency transition to online learning during the Covid-19 lockdown at a South African university. Perspectives in Education, 39(3), 30-43.

  • Uleanya, C., Khumalo, N.P., Momah, E., & Ndlovu, B. B. (2019). Influence of leadership styles on the success of secondary education in Africa: a case study of Nigeria and South Africa. African Journal of Gender, Society & Development, 8(1), 213.

  • Khumalo, N. P., & Maphalala, M. C. (2018). Students’ perspectives on the role played by academic literacy in the higher education curriculum of South Africa. Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa (JGIDA), 7(1), 155-173.

Paper presentations

  • Khumalo NP. (2022): Student engagement in teaching and learning using ICT: A critical aspect for students’ success. Paper presented at Annual Learning and Teaching Imbizo held at Southern Sun Elangeni and Maharani, 22-25 November 2022.

  • Pillay, P.; Khumalo, NP; Mthethwa, LC; Gina, MJ (2022): Can the Use of a Book Levelling APP Support the Development of the Knowledge and Skills Needed to Teach Reading in Rural and Township Schools for In-service Teachers? Paper presented at the UNIZULU 6th Teaching and Learning Conference, Richards Bay (Premier Hotel), 17-19 October 2022.

  • Maphalala, MC.; Khumalo, N.P & Khumalo P.N (2021): Student teachers’ experiences of the emergency transition to online learning during the Covid-19 lockdown at a South African university. Paper presented at the International Conference on Educational Technology and Online Learning (ICETOL), 22-24 September 2021.

  • Ngubane N, Duma T, Khumalo N.P (2021): Turbulences and opportunities during the shift from face-to-face to online teaching in three South African Universities: A narrative Inquiry: Paper presented virtually at Council for Higher Education Colloquium, 18 March 2021.

  • Khumalo NP. (2020) Experiences of student teachers on the Academic literacy module at two Kwa Zulu Natal Universities. Paper presented at Virtual Annual National Doctoral Conference, 03-05 November 2020.

  • Khumalo, N.P & Maphalala, M.C. (2018): Teaching Academic Literacy in Higher Education Institutions: Lecture’s voices. Paper presented at the 45th Southern African Society for Education (SASE) Annual International Conference held at Cape Peninsula University of Technology Lagoon Beach Hotel Cape Town, South Africa, 3rd – 5th October 2018.

  • Kutame A.P; Khumalo N.P; Maphalala M.C and Sibaya D.C (2016): Is rurality the culprit? Identifying the causes of poor performance in rural secondary schools. Paper presented at the 43rd Southern African Society for Education (SASE) Annual International Conference held at the University of Zululand, KwaZulu Natal, Richards Bay (Premier Hotel), 28-30 September 2016.

  • Khumalo N.P; Sibaya P.T and Sibaya D.C (2014): Mentor’s perceptions of mentoring student teachers during practice teaching sessions. Paper presented at the Southern African International Conference of Education (SAICE) Annual International Conference held at Pretoria (Manhattan Hotel), 21-23 September 2014.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Member of the Southern African Society for Education (SASE).
  • Teaching Advancements at Universities (TAU) Fellow (2022-2023 cohort)
  • Visiting scholar at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York, (January to March 2020).
  • National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS)-SAHUDA Doctoral Scholarship (2018-2020).
  • Co- researcher for SAIDE Commissioned research: Research project entitled: ‘Lessons Learnt through Jika iMfundo Programme in Managing School Curriculum in King Cetshwayo District: The Programme to Improve Learning Outcomes (PILO)’(2017-2018).
  • An award-winning lecturer of the Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (2018) (University of Zululand).


Towards Innovative Ways of Managing Curriculum in Rural Secondary Schools in the 21st Century”. I was a co-researcher of an NRF-funded project whose overall aim was to develop a capacity-building community-based model for secondary school principals’ curriculum management strategies and provide innovative curriculum management strategies for positive learning and teaching environment in a rural context. The project brought together 20 differentiated schools (10 KZN & 10 in Limpopo) with a view to collaboratively engage with and learning from each other. I co-published three book chapters from the project.

I was part of the UNIZULU research team that conducted research on behalf of SAIDE. The title of our project was “Lessons learnt through Jikimfundo Programme in managing school curriculum in King Cetshwayo District: The Programme to Improve Learning Outcomes (PILO). The main aim of our research project was to evaluate the impact of Jika Imfundo in empowering schools to successfully manage their curricula to ensure successful learning and teaching and to promote increasing levels of learner achievement. The study targeted principals, SMT members and teachers from 6 primary schools who were involved in the Jika Imfundo programme in King Cetshwayo District. (2017-2018). A book chapter emanated from the project.

I was involved in a Collaborative Multimodal doctoral support programme partnership consisting of five institutions: North- West University, University of Zululand, University of South Africa, University of Venda, and University of Pretoria. The project focused on promoting supervisory support, PhD training programmes, and provision of informal networks for PhD students and supervisors, and provision of online/blended PhD provision (2021-2022).

I was involved in a community engagement project with the University of the West of England. The title of the project was:” Can the use of a book levelling APP support the development of the knowledge and skills needed? There were two districts involved in the project which are UMkhanyakude and Ilembe districts. (2021-2023). We published an article from the project.