College of Human Sciences

Unisa launches inaugural Children's Literature Awards

The School of Arts within the College of Human Sciences recently launched the inaugural Children's Literature Awards at the Sun City Resort, bringing together authors, educators and culture enthusiasts to celebrate the rich diversity of African languages and their role in children's literature.


Thinasephelele Sixaso

The event's keynote speaker, Thinasephelele Sixaso, who is also the Head of SABC Radio and Acting Group Executive for SABC Radio, commended the College of Human Sciences for its efforts in promoting culture, art and language in the country.

Sixaso enthusiastically stated: "Let me commend the College of Human Sciences for the great work you are doing in the country to promote culture, art and language in the country. The partnership between Unisa and the SABC is important to effectively promote and preserve our language and culture, to showcase our African artistry and promote South African languages through art, sport and music."

The ceremony, which took place at a picturesque outdoor venue, was marked by attendees donning traditional regalia, embracing their African heritage, and emphasising the cultural significance of the event.

Deputy Dean of the College of Human Sciences, Prof Thinandavha Mashau, drew parallels between the event's gathering around a fire and the historical role of fire as a hub for sharing African indigenous knowledge systems. He emphasised that the event was a celebration of a bright future, where children would grow to embrace their languages through literature.

Mashau said, "Tonight, we are gathered around the fire, which is symbolic in many ways. As much as we talk about technology in our time, technology in Africa has always been there, we always had e-Africa. The power of the network has always been around fire. We always exchanged our African indigenous knowledge systems around fire. Tonight, we are doing the same as we celebrate this august event, where we imagine the future of our children and how they should grow to embrace our languages through literature."


CHS Deputy Dean, Prof Thinandavha Mashau, and the Chair of the Department of Information Sciences, Prof Lorette Jacobs

The Unisa Children's Literature Awards is a ground-breaking initiative designed to recognise and honour outstanding children's literature written in African languages. The focus is on promoting authors who have contributed to the literary landscape in African languages, ultimately inspiring future generations to create stories rooted in their own experiences and cultures.

One of the primary goals of the awards is to address the lack of attention that African languages receive from publishers, particularly those catering to minority communities. The theme of this year's award, "Rainbow", symbolises South Africa's vibrant cultural diversity and unity.


Attendees in traditional regalia, embracing their African heritage

In addition to recognising exceptional authors, the Children's Literature Awards aim to drive positive change in the publishing industry. Unisa will collaborate with publishers to facilitate the translation, distribution and promotion of award-winning books, ensuring that these valuable works reach readers from all backgrounds.

The winners of the inaugural Unisa Children's Literature Awards best picture book, categorised by language, are as follows:

  • Sepedi - Tebogo Elias Molokwane
  • Xitsonga - Mixo Machebe
  • Tshivenda - Avhapfani Judith Ndhobela
  • IsiZulu - Nompilo Mary Zulu
  • Setswana - Prince Ntsako Tibane
  • isiNdebele - Busi Pamela Masanabo

These awards represent a significant step forward in celebrating and preserving African languages and culture, and set a solid foundation for future generations. The Unisa Children's Literature Awards promise to encourage and inspire the creation of diverse and culturally rich literature for South Africa's youth.

To learn more about the event and the award winners, visit the official School of Arts Conference Facebook page.


* By Tebogo Mahlaela, Communication and Marketing Specialist, College of Human Sciences

Publish date: 2023/11/02

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