Liberatory Epistemologies and Praxes (LEAP)

Liberatory Epistemologies and Praxes (LEAP) is oriented towards Africa(n)-centred knowledges and knowledge archives. With knowledge erasure having long been wielded as a tool of colonial violence, LEAP attempts to provide platforms to subaltern knowledge-making as insurgent forms of epistemic correction. Although LEAP engages conventional sites of knowledge (e.g. universities), it is also attuned to the cultural, aesthetic, every day, affective and embodied characteristics of knowledge. Knowledges of this kind are recognised and named within LEAP for the purposes of advancing psychosocial praxes that reflect knowledge in all its pluriversal movement. As such, LEAP attempts to honour the liberatory potential of subaltern knowledges through methodologies that reflect the very participatory mechanisms of the knowledge-making enterprise.

Although LEAP begins from the discipline of psychology, it always looks out towards other disciplines. LEAP focuses on two central streams, Transdisciplinary African Psychologies, and Reimagining Knowledge Spaces. Both streams seek to advance a multi-pronged approach to knowledge-making, and to share critical knowledges across various platforms, reaching academic audiences and the broader public. As such, the two streams aim to:

  • Advance liberatory transdisciplinary African-situated psychologies.
  • Destabilise dominant knowledges and knowledge regimes.
  • Articulate traditions of psycho-political struggle.
  • Develop and share resources and repositories for multiple publics.
  • Facilitate training, capacitation and co-learning.
  • Support writing and theory for liberation.

Last modified: 2023/08/07