Discipline of Philosophy

Prof LJ Teffo

College of Human Sciences
School of Humanities
Department: Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology
Professor Emeritus
E-mail: sekhunp@unisa.ac.za


  • Bachelor of Laws (LLB) UNIN
  • Bachelor of Jurisdiction, (B.luris) UNIN
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), UNIN
  • Licentiate in Philosophy (M.Phil), Catholic University of Louvain
  • Bachelor of Arts - (Hons) Philosophy, UNIN
  • Higher Primary Teacher's Certificate - Mokopane College of Educatio


Heritage Resource as Vehicles for Africa’s Rural Economic Development In INDILINGA: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Vol.14 (1) 2015. pp.103-117

Ruffin, F.A, Kaya, H.O, and Teffo, L.J. African Indigenous Languages and Environmental Communication. In, Journal of Human Ecology, Vol.23 (2), pp.185-193). 2016.

South Africa and Continent-building, Freedom Park: A Place of Emancipation and Meaning. Pretoria, Freedom Park Publishers. pp. 308, 2014

Nurturing Democratic Elections for Good Governance and African Renaissance, In, International Journal of African Renaissance Studies,Vol.9.(1) 2014, pp 115-129

Rural Communities as Sites of knowledge: A Case for African Epistemologies, Indilinga Journal of Idigenous Knowledge Systems., Vol.12.(2) 2013, pp188-202

Ethical Consciousness and Political Leadership in Africa, The Thinker,Vol. 37/2012, Lesiba, Teffo and Yirenkyi-Boateng

Traditional Institutions and the Rural Development Challenges: Gender and Agricultural Perspectives, in International Journal of African Renaissance Studies, Vol. 7, no.1, pp. 39-49.2012

Stereotypes against women principals in rural communities: an individual or cultural issue? A synthesis into indigenous knowledge systems. Authors: Kanjere, Maria Matshidiso; Thaba Kgomotlokoa Linda; Teffo L.J. Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Vol. 10, Issue 2, Dec.2011

Epistemic Pluralism for knowledge Transformation and African Renaissance. in International Journal of African Renaissance UNISA, vol… 2011

Performance Monitoring and Evaluation in the Public Services: HSRC Review VoI.8.N0 3, 2010

Racism Cuts Both Ways, HSRC REVIEW 8(1) 8-2010.

Indigenous Life Skills and Moral Regeneration Among the Youth: in Teffo, L J and Cloete N (eds.) Nurturing Indigenous Knowledge Systems in a Multi Cultural Society, Polokwane, University of Limpopo Press, 2008.

Education for poverty alleviation: Myth or reality?: In Simeon Maile (editor) Education and Poverty Reduction Strategies Issues of Policy Coherence, published by HSRC Press, Cape Town, 2008 (pp 68-79).

Are schools a haven for Learner Criminals: in Teffo L.J and Cloete, N (eds.) Africa and Developments: Creating Knowledge Frameworks. Polokwane, University of Limpopo, 2007.

African Humanism in a Globalizing World: in Teffo, L J and Cloete, N. (eds.) Indigenization in a Globalizing World: An African Perspective. Polokwane, University of Limpopo Press, 2006.

Multi-Lingualism: A challenge to the African Elite: in Teffo, L.J., Nel, J, and Ralenala, F (eds.): The Second Decade of Democracy in South Africa: Quo Vadis. Polokwane University of Limpopo Press, 2005.

Corporal Punishment in South African Schools: A Learner's Story in Journal of Educational Studies, Volume 4(1) 30-36, 2005.

Healing: An Enduring Feature of African Religion(s) in Theological Viatorum, Journal of Theology and Religion in Africa, Volume 27 No.1, 2003, p. 165 - 182.

Democracy, Kingship, and Consensus: A South African Perspective in A Companion to African Philosophy: Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, Wiredu, Kwasi (ed). 443-449, Malden MA, Blackwell Publishing, 2004. 9 | P a g e

Remaking Africa Through a Spiritual Regeneration: published in HAO Mwakabana (ed): Crises of Life in African Religion and Christianity. Geneva - The Lutheran World Federation, 2002, p. 127 - 144.

Monarchy and Democracy: Towards a Culture Renaissance in, Journal on African Philosophy 1, 2002.

Ubuntu/Botho - Ein Konzept fUr eine neue Weltordnung (A recipe for the New World Order): published in Jacob Wenzel (ed.) Heute ist Morqen - Uber die Zukunft von Erfahrunq und Konstruktion, 2000 Kuns- und Ausstellungshalle der, Bonn, Deutschland. Profs L J Teffo & D K Koka

Africanist Thinking: An Invitation to Authenticity: in P. Higgs, et ai, (eds.), African Voices in Education. Published by Juta & Co. Ltd 2000, Lansdowne, Cape Town,103 - 117 Universal Values and Cultural Order: in Maranq - Newsletter of the South African National Commission for UNESCO, June 1999.

Moral Renewal and African Experience(s) : in M.W. Makgoba (ed) : African RenaissanceThe New Struggle Cape Town, Mafube Publishing (Pty) Ltd Tafelberg, 1999. p. 149 - 169.

Eine Afrikansiche Perspektive der interkulturelle Kommunikation in Rusen, J (ed.), Westliches Geschichtsdenken : Eine interkulturelle Debatte. Gottingen, Van den Hoeck und Ruprecht 1999. (Translated into English 2001)

Kinqship and Democracy: An Invitation to Marriaqe: in Rick M. (ed.) Contributions of the African and German Philosophers to the formation and Creation of Communities in Transition., Johannesburg, Goethe Institute - 1999.

Tolerance in African Spirituality: in Mona Abousenna (ed.), Enlightenment and Human Rights, Goethe Institute, Cairo, 1998, pp. 140 - 168.

PAX Africana: Myth or Reality in M. Wahba, (ed.) Creativity and Pax Mundi, Goethe Institute, Cairo, 1998 (pp 41 - 54).

Challenges Facing Historically Black Institutions: Newsletter, Institute for Higher Education Development in South Africa (IHEDSA News), July/August 1998, Vol.1 NO.1. p. 6 - 8. 10 | P a g e

Ubuntu: A Challenge to the Corporate World in South Africa in: Remaking Africa - Challenges of the Twenty-First Century: Nigeria, Hope Publications, Ibadan, 1998, p.234 - 251.

A.P.J. Roux and Teffo L.J., Metaphysical Thinking in Africa, in P.H. Coetzee and Roux A.P.J. (eds.) Philosophy from Africa: A Text with Readings. Johannesburg, Thompson Publishers, 1998, p.134-148.

Cultural diversity and the contents of education (PSSA), Chairman's address. UPE, January 1998. PSSA Newsletter - May 1998.

Towards a Spiritual Renaissance in Africa: in F. Auerbach, (ed.) Spiritual Power for Nation-Building, Johannesburg, Remata Bureau & Printers 1998.

An African Renaissance: Could it be realized? Word & Action Sprinq 1997. No. p.19 21, Potchefstroom University.

'The way forward for the Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA)', Chairman's address. RAU, January 1997. PSSA Newsletter - May 1997.

Science, Religious Pluralism and the African Experience: in SCRIPTURA. International Journal of Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa. Vol.61 (1997), p.97-108.

Religious Pluralism and Reconciliation. Centre for Science Development Bulletin. Pretoria, September/October 1996.

The Averroistic Ethos beyond the Enlightenment, in M. Wahba & M. Abousenna (eds.) Averroes and the Enliqhtenment. Amherst, New York. Prometheus Books. 1996, p.93-98.

Ubuntu as a way of life: In House Journal Department of Land Affairs. Pretoria, October 10, 1996.

The Other in African Experience: In Southern African Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 15(3) 1996, p.101 - 104. (Inaugural Lecture)

Transformation and transitional dynamics: An African philosophical perspective, in AFRICA. Spring Lectures 1994, Pietersburg, University of the North. p.215-227.

Kingship and democracy in South Africa, in J.G. Malherbe (ed.), Decolonizing the Mind. Proceedings of the Colloquium held at UNISA, Pretoria, 1995. 11 | P a g e

UBUNTU: Uitdaging vir Staatsdiensbestuurders. INFOSPEC Vol. 4, NO.4 August-September 1995.

The Hounded Black Intellectuals. Centre for Science Development Bulletin. May, 1995.

Towards understanding African Humanism. African Americans for Humanism Vol. 5, No.2, Summer 1995.

Applied Ethics for professionals: M.R. Theledi (ed.): in A Guide to Optometric Jurisprudence. Pietersburg, University of the North, 1991.

Decolonisation and Reparations: in T.J.G. Louw, (ed.) African Philosophy inCritical Perspective.1994, Hogsback, Kenau Press.

African Spirituality: The quest for Authenticity: in T.J.G. Louw (ed.) AfricanPhilosophy in Critical Perspective.1994, Hogsback, Kenau Press.

Racism as Escapism: Who is the Victim? Maseno Journal of Education, Arts and Science. Vol.2 No.1, Kenya, Maseno University College, 1994.

M.B. Ramose & Teffo, Steve Biko and the Interpreters of Black consciousness: A response to LOTTER: Acta Academica: Vol. 25, NO.2 & 3, December 1993.

Paper presentations

  1. Title of Paper: Long Day of Ideas at Johannesburg Theatre organised by the
    Department of Arts and Culture (Panel Discussion). May 2015
  2. Title of Paper: Balancing Freedom of Expression and Concerns for Institutional
    Reputation, Gauteng Regional Conference at UNISA 2015– Marketing
    Communication, and Advancement. March 2015
  3. Title of Paper: Heritage Resources as vehicles for Africa’s Rural Economic
    Development. Ramada Powai Hotel & Convention Centre, Mumbai, India.
    December 2014
  4. Title of Paper: Role of Universities in promoting Indigenous Knowledge Systems
    for development. University of North West. Mafikeng Campus. October 2014
  5. Title of Paper: The Impact of Service Delivery Protests on the Drive towards
    Enhancing Social Cohesion in South Africa. Pretoria, Ditsong Museum.
    September 2014
  6. Title of Paper: The muted voice of Traditional Leaders in matters of IKS
    University of North West, Mafikeng Campus. August 2013

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

1. Unin for D.Phil.: 1998
2. Centre for Science Development to attend Conference in CAIRO: 1994.
3. H.S.R.C. for D. Phil.: 1988.
4. Kirk in Nood (Germany) for M. Phil.: 1984 - 1986.
5. Abdij Keizerberg: Leuven (Belgium) for M. Phil.: 1984 - 1986.
6. St. Theresa Mission: Potgietersrus for B.A. (Hons) degree: 1979 - 1983.
7. Benedictine Abbey: Pietersburg for BA degree: 1979 - 1980.