College of Science, Engineering & Technology

Unisa's illustrious scholar encourages innovation

Innovative researcher, Prof Lukas Snyman, continues to delve more into ground-breaking research and international collaborations, which saw him receive three awards at the 12th Unisa Research and Innovation Awards. One of his latest disruptive technology inventions is the 650 Nanometer Wavelength Silicon Avalanche LED. Read more

Research that converts waste into energy and fertiliser while preserving the climate

Prof Tonderayi Matambo recently delivered his inaugural lecture, where he showcased how his research over the years has been dedicated to the management of waste generated from various sources and converting it into valuable products such as energy and fertiliser for agricultural purposes while mitigating climate change. Read more

Building hope for a greener future

Unisan, Prof Alex Kuvarega recently delivered his inaugural lecture, where he emphasised how his research over the years has focused on water sustainability matters in hopes of building a greener future for South Africa and globally. Read more

A university that defies barriers to deliver education for the marginalised

In celebration of Unisa's 150th anniversary, esteemed scholars and industry giants share their thoughts on how this august university positively impacts society in South Africa and the globe. Read more

Unisa expert shares glimmer of hope in SA's energy crisis

Following the vision of Unisa’s Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Puleng LenkaBula, the university is positioning itself as a centre of expert knowledge in sustainable energy solutions. In this news feature, Prof Mbuyu Sumbwanyambe from CSET points out a glimmer of hope towards South Africa’s energy crisis. Read more

From waste to clean energy production and equality

Delivering her inaugural lecture, Unisan Prof Yali Yao of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology shared insights on how her research aims to address the current energy crisis and its environmental impact by converting waste materials and carbon dioxide gas to clean energy sources. Read more

Long live Unisa, long live!

Unisa staff and students share their well wishes ahead of the university's 150th anniversary (#Unisa150) official academic opening ceremony on Friday 10 February 2023. Read more

New research chair at Unisa to address the national energy crisis

Prof Adedayo Yusuff from Unisa’s Department of Electrical Engineering has recently been awarded the DSI/NRF - Sasol Research Chair in Energy and Power Systems Modelling which will set out to ensure sustainable human capacity development and knowledge creation in energy and power system modelling. Read more

Unisan receives top honour for his contributions in the field of analytical chemistry

Prof Lawrence Madikizela from Unisa's Institute for Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability was recently awarded the coveted Raikes Medal by the South African Chemical Institute in recognition of the outstanding promise evidenced by his original chemical research. Read more

Unisan awarded the 2022 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science sub-Saharan Africa Young Talents Award

Bezalem Eshetu Yirdaw, a PhD student in Unisa’s College of Science, Engineering and Technology, was announced as one of the top 20 scientists awarded the 2022 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science sub-Saharan Africa Young Talents Award for her work in child morbidity. Read more