Department of Mining, Minerals and Geomatics Engineering

Mrs NM Chiloane

College of Science, Engineering and Technology
School of Engineering
Department: Mining Engineering


  • BTech in Mining Engineering
  • MTech in Extraction Metallurgy

Fields of academic interests

  • Mine productivity and optimisation, rock mechanics and career development.

Field of Specialisation

  • Mining Engineering

Journal articles

  • Conference paper - The assessment of the impact of absenteeism on a platinum mine

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Associate member of SAIMM; Registered with ECSA as a Candidate Technologist



Mrs Nhleko Monique Chiloane graduated from the University of Johannesburg (UJ) in 2016, with a BTech in Mining Engineering. In 2017, she joined the University of Johannesburg as an Assistant Lecturer, under the sponsorship of the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA). In 2020, She obtained a Master’s Degree in Extraction Metallurgy, at UJ. Mrs Chiloane joined the University of South Africa (UNISA) in 2020 as a Junior Lecturer and is currently registered for a PhD at UNISA. Her research project aims to investigate the geomechanical properties of cemented tailings backfill.  

Mrs Chiloane is a multi-faceted lecturer with 3 years of expertise in reaching students from diverse backgrounds through effective teaching and learning. She is known for great personable demeanour and strong work ethics.She is an aspiring researcher, enthusiastic about supporting advancements in academia and about contributing to the body of knowledge, so as to drive growth and needed societal improvements.