Department of Chemistry

Mr N S Mdluli

College of Science, Engineering and Technology
School of Science
Department: Chemistry
Postgraduate Fellow
Tel: 011 670 9494


  • Bsc (UNISWA) 
  • MSc student (Analytical Chemistry) 

Fields of academic interests

Environmental Chemistry, spectroscopy, Chromatography.  

Field of Specialisation

The main thrust of my research is directed towards the development of greener sample preparation methods for extraction and spectrometric determination of selected metals and metalloids in various crude-oil, diesel, kerosene, and gasoline samples.  

Journal articles

“A Critical Review on Application of Extraction Methods Prior to Spectrometric Determination of Trace-Metals in Oily Matrices” Njabulo S Mdluli a, Philiswa N. Nomngongo b, Nomvano Mketo a.