Experts directory

Prof R Christian

College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
School of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department: Life and Consumer Sciences
Associate Professor
Tel: 011 471 2279


  • Gene expression studies
  • Genetics
  • Insecticide resistance
  • Malaria
  • Medical entomology
  • Molecular biology


  • BSc: University of KwaZulu Natal (Genetics & Psychology)
  • BSc Honours: University of KwaZulu Natal (Genetics)
  • BSc Masters: University of KwaZulu Natal (Genetics)
  • PhD: University of Witwatersrand (Molecular Biology)
  • Masters in Business Leadership (MBL): UNISA

Currently teaching

  • Molecular & Cell Biology
  • Genetics

Field of Specialisation

  • Molecular biology
  • Human, animal and plant diseases

Journal articles

  • Letinić, B.D., Kemp, A, Christian, R.N. and Koekemoer, L.L. 2018. Inoculation Protocol for the African Malaria Vector, Anopheles arabiensis, by means of nano-injection. African Entomology, 26(2): 422-428.


  • Nardini, N., Hunt, R.H., Dahan-Moss, Y.L., Christie, N., Christian, R.N., Coetzee, M., and Koekemoer, L.L. 2017. Malaria vectors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: the mechanisms that confer insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus. Malaria Journal. 16: 448.


  • Wragge, S.E., Toure, D., Coetzee, M., Gilbert, A., Christian, R.N., Segoea, G., Hunt.,R.H., and Coetzee. M. 2015. Malaria control at a gold mine in Sadiola District, Mali, and impact on transmission over 10 years. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 109:755-62.




  • Nardini, L., Christian, R.N., Coetzer, N., and Koekemoer, L.L. DDT and pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles arabiensis from South Africa. 2013. Parasites and Vectors. 6:229.


  • Fettene, M., Olana, D., Christian, R.N., Koekomoer, L.L., and Coetzee, M. 2013. Resistance in Anopheles arabiensis from Ethiopia. African Entomology, 21(1).


  • Blanford, S., N.E. Jenkins, R. Christian, B.H.K. Chan, N. Luisa, O. Michael, L.L. Koekemoer, M. Coetzee, A.F. Read, and M.B. Thomas.  2012. Thomas. Storage and persistence of a candidate fungal biopesticide for use against adult malaria vectors. Malaria Journal, 11:354.


  • Nardini, L., R. N. Christian, N. Coetzer, H. Ranson, M. Coetzee, and L. L. Koekemoer. 2012. Detoxification enzymes associated with insecticide resistance in laboratory strains of Anopheles arabiensis of different geographic origin. Parasites and Vectors, 5:113.


  • Christian, R. N., T. S. Matambo, B. L. Spillings, B. D. Brooke, M. Coetzee, and L. L. Koekemoer. 2011. Age-related pyrethroid resistance and P450 gene expression in the major African malaria vector, Anopheles funestus (Diptera: Culicidae). Genetics and Molecular Research, 10: 3220-3229.


  • Christian, R. N., C. Strode, H. Ranson, N. Coetzer, M. Coetzee, and L. L. Koekemoer. 2011. Microarray analysis of a pyrethroid resistant African malaria vector, Anopheles funestus, from southern Africa. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 99:140-147.


  • Blandford, S., W. Shi, R. N. Christian, J. H. Marden, L. L. Koekemoer, B. D. Brooke, M. Coetzee, A. F. Read, and M. B. Thomas. 2011. Lethal and pre-lethal effects of a fungal biopesticide contribute to substantial and rapid control of malaria vectors. PLoS One, 6(8): e23591.


  • Koekemoer, L. L., B. S. Spillings, R. N. Christian, O. S. Wood, M. Kaiser, R. Norton, K. S. Choi, B. D. Brooke, R. H. Hunt, and M. Coetzee. 2010. Characterization of multiple insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) from Pointe Noire, Republic of the Congo. Malaria Journal, 9(2):17.


  • Amenya, D. A., R. Naguran, T.-C. M. Lo, H. Ranson, B. L. Spillings, O. R. Wood, B. D. Brooke, M. Coetzee, and L. L. Koekemoer. 2008. Over expression of a cytochrome P450 (CYP6P9) in a major African malaria vector, Anopheles funestus, resistant to pyrethroids. Insect Molecular Biology, 17(1):19–25.