News & Media

Alumnus flies the Unisa flag high in Russia

Demonstrating his acumen in financial security, among other areas, Thokozani Prince Simelane, together with six team members and three coordinators, represented South Africa at the Third International Olympiad on Financial Security in Sochi, Russia. Read more

Remarkable African leader lauds Unisa's mission to reclaim the intellectual arena

Speaking at Unisa's 2023 Founders Lecture, Africa's first democratically elected female head of state, Her Excellency President Dr Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, commended the university for its unwavering commitment to advancing the discourse on Africa's intellectual futures. Read more

Unisan appointed Ambassador to the ACU's SDG network

Prof Goonasagree Naidoo has been appointed Ambassador to the Association of Commonwealth Universities Sustainable Development Goals Network, which will facilitate communicating Unisa's responses to and priorities regarding disaster management (including climate change), in which she has extensive knowledge and experience. Read more

Unisa honours history makers

The university recently recognised the sacrifices and leadership of its alumni and remarkable individuals who shaped the country's history in their advocacy for freedom and inclusion at the Chancellor's Calabash Awards, held at the Sandton Convention Centre. Read more

Learn, unlearn and relearn to achieve progressive innovation

With the primary objective of spearheading entrepreneurship development and incubator initiatives geared towards business enterprise development, Unisa officially launched the Inhlanyelo Hub, a progressive entrepreneur incubator initiative, on 16 November 2023. Read more

Unisa's research excellence confirmed by global ranking

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 by Subject reveals that Unisa has improved its research quality through citation impact from a previous score of 29.3 to 50.5. This is testament to the institution's increasing contribution to the sum of human knowledge to expand the boundaries of understanding, irrespective of discipline. Read more

South-North knowledge partnership further strengthened by Unisa/GBFE agreement

The recent extension of a long-standing collaboration agreement between Unisa and the Gesellschaft Fűer Bildung und Forschung in Europa E.V. will see the two entities optimising their relationship, especially concerning student and staff exchanges, decolonisation research and academic publishing. Read more

Unisa VC sets Africa Charter in motion with University of Bristol MoU signing

In yet another major step forward in Unisa's quest to reclaim Africa's intellectual futures through internationalisation and partnerships, the institution has entered into an agreement with the University of Bristol to collaborate in a number of fields, most notably the health sciences. Read more

Preserving the legacy of an inimitable media giant

Speaking at the 13th Percy Qoboza Memorial Lecture hosted by the National Press Club, in partnership with Unisa and the Qoboza family, keynote speaker Sandile Memela, a seasoned journalist and communication expert, affirmed that Percy Qoboza was an enemy of the apartheid regime as he was unapologetically vocal and upheld moral journalism. Read more

Unisa scholars listed among the world's top 2% of scientists

Affirming Unisa's stature as a centre of excellence on the global stage, Stanford University in the United States and Elsevier, a Dutch academic publishing company, recently listed various Unisa academics among the world's top 2%% of scientists in 2023 for career-long and 2022-year impact in their respective fields. Read more