News & Media

From domestic worker to Unisa graduate: A story of unwavering resilience and determination

27-year-old Samkelisiwe Ndlazi's academic journey is one of success against all odds. While still a domestic worker, Ndlazi says she is looking for opportunities in her field of study and looks forward to changing her family's background. Additionally, like a true Unisa student, she also highly values community engagement and desires to bring change in her community through youth development programmes. Read more

Unisan shares peace education framework at the African Union

Prof Ashley Gunter of Unisa's College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences recently presented the findings and policy recommendations of a comprehensive peace education framework, co-developed with UK researchers, to the African Union Peace and Security Council in Ethiopia. Read more

Unisa Press launches seminal guide to 4IR in the South African context

Launched in February, South Africa Confronts the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era outlines the challenges, pathways and possibilities of the significant technological strides that have been made in various sectors in South Africa. Read more

Promoting financial education in a tight economy

Unisa's Colleges of Accounting Sciences and Economic and Management Sciences hosted the 6th Annual Budget Breakfast, themed "Financial literacy and how to stretch the rand for ordinary citizens", which aimed to analyse South African Minister Enoch Godongwana's 2024 budget speech and provide financial literacy for consumers. Read more

Unisa empowers staff members with Sign Language workshop

The university's Library and Information Services Department recently hosted its first hybrid workshop on the country's 12th official language, South African Sign Language, to enhance effective staff communication with students. Read more

Reflecting on the memorial and funeral services of President Dr Hage Gottfried Geingob

Unisa's Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Puleng LenkaBula, formed part of the dignitaries representing South Africa at the late President Dr Hage Gottfried Geingob's state funeral. As the continent continues to mourn the passing of the remarkable stalwart, Masai Mathole from the Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor shares a first-hand account of Geingob's memorial and funeral. Read more

Elevating student voices: empowering change and innovation in the Western Cape

The Office of the Dean of Students recently hosted the Western Cape Regional Student Representative Council (RSRC) induction and strategic planning session in Cape Town. Members from regional management and support departments shared insights into the services provided by the regional office. Read more

Womanism and black theology of liberation

In exploring possible contours of dialogue between Black Theology of Liberation and Womanist Theology, Prof Fundiswa Kobo strives to liberate fragmented black humanity as a whole. Read more

Unisa's WC student leaders engage with youth at community level

The Regional Student Representative Council in the Western Cape has embarked on a journey to plough back positively into communities under the theme "Building community-based student activism". Read more

Unisa gears up for the 2024 International Teaching and Learning Conference

Join the 2024 International Teaching and Learning Conference – a global exploration of innovation in Open Distance and e-Learning. Chart new frontiers, connect in-person or online, and be at the forefront of advancing education worldwide. Don't miss the revolution from 6 to 10 May 2024. Read more