
It’s time to complete Unisa’s reinvention

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the academic year, the VC said that 2018 must be a year of vigorous and uncompromising implementation of the university’s transformation plans and policies, as well as delivery of service to students. Read more

Everything happens for a reason, including prison

Unisa lecturer and PhD student Mbongiseni Mdakane says studying psychology is a way to heal the 10 years he spent in a cell. Read more

Thato went from an orphanage to Unisa’s graduation stage

Do not be defined by your circumstances but instead define your tomorrow, says Thato Amarath Senne, who was awarded his BA in Environmental Management last week. Read more

Setting an example to #DefineTomorrow

Prof Mpho Ngoepe's research focuses upon archives and records management in relation to accountability, justice, and auditing. Read more

Obama, Bush, Soyinka, and now Matjila…

Unisa's Prof Daniel Matjila will give the International Perspectives Conference in the US a depth of understanding in how individuals can disprove and overcome stereotypes of all kinds. Read more

“Education is an immediate equaliser,” says DHET’s Manana

The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training graduated last night with a BA Honours in International Politics, and said that he loved every moment of being a Unisa student. Read more

Unisa staff member lauded for research on SA acid mine drainage

Suvania Naidoo’s new book, based on her master’s dissertation, is directly linked to national water and food security. Read more