
Leadership and determination characterise alumni convenor’s Unisa journey

Can-do grandma Dorah Queen Sekhosana, aka Queen, Convenor of the Unisa Pretoria Alumni Chapter and MBA candidate, shares her inspirational journey and her vision for the chapter going forward.

Proud Unisan Queen Sekhosana

Who is Queen Sekhosana?

I was born and bred in Soweto and was proudly raised by a dad who was widowed. I am a mother of four, three girls and one boy. I am also a grandmother to two boys. I acquired a Higher Certificate in Archives in 2016 through Unisa, a Bachelor of Information Science through Unisa in 2019 and also a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration through the Unisa School of Business Leadership (SBL) in 2021. I am currently a Master of Business Administration (MBA) candidate at the SBL.

What does your academic achievement mean to you?

It means “don’t be discouraged, it is possible”. The fact that I completed my matric in 1992 didn’t define my academic future. I kept pushing on and will not stop until I am in the red regalia.

How will you improve the lives of the members of the Unisa Pretoria Alumni Chapter?  

I yearn to be able to create an environment where alumni are able to easily access the university. It would be great to have more alumni participate in the already available social media platforms and possibly establish a WhatsApp group to ease the communication flow and to enable more feedback to ensure ongoing support for alumni. Enhancing the community outreach to raise the profile of Unisa will in turn enhance the employability of alumni.

How has Unisa shaped your future?

Unisa has enabled me to gain wide-ranging experience in administration, information management and coordinating. These were gained through the Department of Institutional Intelligence and the Examination Department. I have initiative, and am committed and able to work independently without supervision while meeting deadlines. I am a professional member of the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) and the South African Association of Institutional Research (SAAIR).

Describe a short-term goal you have set for yourself and how you intend on achieving it.

I am a doer, and I don’t wait for things to come to me. I fight for what I want, and I am very persistent. My dream is to become a professional researcher and complete the MBA qualification. Assisting others either academically or with job hunting is close to my heart because I was also lifted by others to be where I am today.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I envision myself in the management office or as a research specialist. I am currently working hard to develop my career path through my studies. I would like to obtain a PhD within the School of Leadership in the next five years. I know that I am a born leader; hence I am enhancing my leadership skills. Queen is not just a name, but a title crowned in heaven.

* By Lynette van Niekerk, Events Coordinator, Department of Institutional Advancement, and Busisiwe Mahlangu, Communications Coordinator, Department of Institutional Advancement

Publish date: 2022/04/21

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