
Geo-Information Research Group

Goal and Purpose of the Research Group

Geographic Information Science (GISc) has grown rapidly over the past twenty years. The increasing availability of spatial data coupled with a growing awareness (both within the public and private sector) of the importance of spatial information has contributed to the popularisation of this technology. The purpose of the research group is to enable students to conduct applied research in a variety of contexts using GISc technology.

Key focuses of the Research Group

Applying GISc (including satellite remote sensing) within diverse contexts (e.g. social, urban, rural, natural and human environments) in order to address geographical problems; resource inventorying and monitoring; spatial and time-series analysis; spatial modelling.

Research Projects in the Research Group

1. GISc applications in the natural environment

Resource inventorying and monitoring; spatial and time-series analysis; and spatial modelling in the natural environment by applying GISc

2. Applying GIS in the human environment

Addressing geographical problems related to the human environment by applying inventorying and monitoring; spatial and time-series analysis; and spatial modelling through GISc applications.

3. GIS and crime

Using GIS technology to better understand the spatial and temporal aspects of criminal behaviour both in South Africa and abroad.

4. A variety of additional potential projects (especially projects in which the natural and human environments are integrated) related to the GIS focus of the research group can be considered by the project team. 

Publications (from 2015)

Breetzke, G. D. & Pearson, A. L. (in press). Examining the neighbourhood-level predictors of fear of crime in Christchurch, New Zealand. New Zealand Geographer

Breetzke, G. D.

(in press). Examining the spatial periodicity of crime in South Africa using Fourier analysis. South African Geographical Journal

De Roiste, M., Breetzke, G. D. & Reitsma, F. (in press).

Opportunities across boundaries: lessons from a collaboratively delivered cross-institution Master’s programme. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.

Contact Us

Should you require any further information please contact Prof GD Breetzke at

Last modified: 2023/08/07