Department of Business Management

Prof KS Boya

College of Economic and Management Sciences
School of Management Sciences
Department: Business Management
Tel: 012 429 3979


  • PhD in Management Studies (UNISA)
  • MCom: Business Management (UNISA)
  • BCom (Hons): Business Management (UNISA)
  • BCom (Hons): Logistics Management (UNISA)
  • BCom: Business Management (UNISA)


  • Programme in Supply Chain Management (Georgia Tech)
  • Moderator Training (Enjo)
  • Assessor Training (Enjo)
  • Human Centred Design Thinking (AIWA University)

Currently teaching

  • Masters and Doctoral studies - Research Supervisor & Co-supervisor

Fields of academic interests

  • Blue Ocean Strategy and Bootstrap Financing
  • Cultural Intricacies and Global Footprint
  • Entrepreneurship Education and Ecosystem
  • Strategy and Not-For-Profit-Organisation
  • Decolonisation and Transformation

Field of Specialisation

  • Strategic Management
  • International Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Logistics, Transport and Supply Chain


  • 2 x Book Chapters in Chiloane-Tsoka, G.E., & Rankhumise, E. 2019. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management- An Emerging Economies Perspective. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Journal articles

  • Boya, K.S. 2024. The roles of policy documents, governance and strategy within the non-for-profit sector: A case of churches. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, 8(1): pp. 20–27.
  • Boya, K.S. and Chiloane, G.E., 2023. The management control processes – are these mandatory for churches as not-for-profit-organisations and social enterprises? The Business and Management Review, 14 (2): pp79-86.
  • Boya, K.S. 2023. Who Qualifies to Manage the Church? Exploring Historical and Biblical Accounts of Management and Agency Theories in Not-For-Profit Organisation (NPO) Sector in Gauteng, South Africa. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae: pp.18-pages. DOI:
  • Ngwenya, Z.C. and Boya, K.S., 2023. Do Government’s Export Programmes for Small Businesses make Export Competency Possible? African Journal of Business and Economic Research, 18(2): pp. 233-253.
  • Boya, K.S. and Venter, P., 2023. Strategic planning in Gauteng grassroots football clubs. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education & Recreation, 45(1).
  • Boya, K.S. 2022. Major socio-eco-political changes that may pose challenges for modern churches as not-for-profit organisations. Религия. Церковь. Общество, (11), pp.94-124
  • Boya, K.S. 2022. The ambivalence regarding volunteering and reward systems in church settings’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 78(1), a7505. 10.4102/hts.v78i1.7505.
  • Boya, K.S. and Chiloane-Phetla, G.E. 2022. The church as not-for-profit organisations: Is it not time for church to become more strategic? Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 1(7): 1-6.
  • Boya, K.S. 2016. Governance and social responsibility perceptions of the SAFA affiliated football clubs executives. Corporate board: role, duties and composition Journal, 12(1):75-84.
  • Boya, K.S. 2016. Bus rapid transit projects involving the South African government
  • and small operators (as SMMEs): is bus rapid transit a Blue or Red ocean strategy? Problems and Perspectives in Management Journal, 14(1):216-226.
  • Chiloane-Tsoka, G.E. and Boya, K.S. 2015. The strategic significance of communication skills of SMMEs: a South African perspective. Problems and Perspectives in Management Journal, 13 (3):224-232.
  • Chiloane-Tsoka, G.E. and Boya, K.S. 2014. An exploration of strategic competitiveness of SMMEs: a South African perspective. Problems and Perspectives in Management Journal, 12(4):347-354.

Paper presentations

  • Boya, K.S. 2022. How valuable are policies in strategy implementation within the Not-For-Profit sector? The 34th Southern Institute of Management Sciences. Rhodes University: Port Alfred. September 2022.
  • Boya, K.S. & Chiloane-Tsoka, G.E. 2017. The Strategic Management Tools for Christian Churches in the quest for Social Entrepreneurship in Tshwane Municipality, RSA. Entrepreneurship for the XXI century images and perspectives Conference. University of Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland November 2017.
  • Bhoya, S.K. 2013. Strategic Planning Processes Gauteng Soccer Clubs’ Perspective. Southern African Institute of Management Sciences. North West University, Potchefstroom. September, 2013.
  • Bhoya, S.K. & Masuku, M.B. 2011. Integrated Public Transport System and the General Principles of Competition Law. The Law Teachers Society Conference. Stellenbosch University. January, 2011.
  • Bhoya, S.K. & More, K.N.L. 2010. Community Engagement: A Unisa Students’ Perspective on Employability. Community Engagement Conference. University of South Africa. November, 2010.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Dean’s Emerging Researcher Award (2023)
  • Best Paper Award ROGE Conference, Oxford University, UK (2023)
  • Business Adviser with the Institute of Business Advisers South Africa
  • Member of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport: South Africa
  • Member of the Young Academics Programme (UNISA)
  • Member of the Alumni and Convocation (UNISA)


  • Business Education and Skills Community Engagement Project (Founder)
  • Automotive Industry Development Centre a (AIDC) Mentorship Project (Deputy Chair)
  • Young African Leadership Initiative (Facilitation & Mentorship)
  • Council for Scientific & Industrial Research-Rail & Pipeline Transportation Project (Researcher)
  • Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) Audit Project (Auditor & Researcher)
  • Spoornet Competitor Analysis Project (Researcher)
  • Council for Scientific & Industrial Research Parking Demand Projection Project (Researcher)
  • Council for Scientific & Industrial Research Electronic Ticketing for South African Public Transport Project (Researcher)


  • Aregbeshola, R.A., Boya, K.S. & Mamabolo, M.E. 2017. International Business IV: Study Guide for INT4801. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
  • Boya, K.S. 2015. Entrepreneurship IIIA: Study guide for ETP3701. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
  • Boya, K.S. & Mokoka, O.J. 2015. Entrepreneurship IIIB: Study Guide for ETP3702. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
  • Bhoya, S.K. & Crafford, F. 2010. Strategic planning: Study Guide for MNG301A. Pretoria: University of South Africa.