Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IODL)

Attending to your needs

Our staff

IODL is home to a rich variety of researchers from a range of disciplinary backgrounds.  We embrace multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to researching open, distance, flexible, technology-enhanced and elearning practices.

As individuals and as a collective, the staff members of the IODL:

  • provide ODL research leadership to the Unisa colleges, institutional forums and a range of stakeholders and ODL research interest groups
  • organise and participate in a range of ODL research conferences, seminars, colloquiums, capacity development initiatives and discussions forums
  • develop and maintain an online self-managed resource-rich research website
  • support  and celebrate innovation and excellence in ODL research
  • supervise postgraduate ODL research in collaboration with Unisa colleges and as part of interdisciplinary initiative
  • establish, sustain and grow individual and collective national and international networks in ODL research

In addition to conducting basic research in ODeL, IODL researchers collaborate with other researchers nationally, continentally and globally. IODL researchers provides a forum for strategic research collaborations on several areas including:

  • Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Alternative Assessment Practices
  • Student Support
  • Changing roles and capacity development in ODeL
  • Digital Literacies
  • Mobile Learning
  • Designing for accessibility to support students with disabilities
  • ODeL policy formulation

Last modified: 2023/08/07