7th Southern African Students' Psychology Conference

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The 7th Southern African Students’ Psychology Conference will take place online via a virtual platform from the 7th to 9th September 2021.

The current societal challenges facing the world NOW, leaves no nation on the globe unscathed. As a science of human behaviour and mental processes, the relevance of psychology has shifted BEYOND the Freudian couch to address critical societal challenges associated with physical and mental well-being, widening socio-economic disparities, governance lobbying, accelerated climate change, inadequate housing infrastructure, violence against the vulnerable, revolutionising technology, food security, human rights issues, and changing work-education interfaces, for example.
As such, the relevance of psychology transcends contexts, disciplines, and boundaries. However, whilst grappling with the pandemic-induced uncertainty that challenges psychology NOW, there is a decerning need to look BEYOND to a future that is markedly different to the yesterday we once knew. We invite progressive dialogue to
engage with us on deliberating psychology’s role in relation to salient local and global issues…NOW and BEYOND.

We look forward to your conference engagement.
Psychology… NOW and BEYOND

For more information email us at sastudentconference@unisa.ac.za 

As more information becomes available for the conference, it will be updated and posted, so keep visiting the website and the conference Facebook or Twitter pages!

Last modified: 2023/08/07