Department of Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology

Discipline of Christian spirituality

Spiritual wisdom is the most ancient and yet most contemporary way of making sense of our lives – it predates written records and, at the same time, speaks to the hearts of those living in the third millennium. That is why interest in the academic study of spirituality has increased strongly over the last few decades. People from all walks of life are interested in the phenomenon of spirituality and in making sense of the "Big Questions" of life.

In addition to people involved with religious institutions, students with backgrounds in education, natural sciences, business, the arts and humanities, corporate bodies, government agencies, health care organisations and more now research Spirituality. The quest for in-depth understanding of the rich traditions of religious experience is one of the pressing needs in the world today, so that the contours of Christian spirituality may be more clearly sensed within the ambience of academic theology and religion.

The postgraduate programmes (BA Hons, MTh and PhD) we offer help effect a greater recognition of the role of spirituality in the deepening and renewal of people's lives and of society. 

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Telephone number

E-mail address

Admin: Mrs L Holmes WMM 06-126  +27 12 429 4040


Prof F Kobo WMM 05-129 +27 12 429 4967
Prof E Baron WMM 05-129 +27 12 429 3111

Last modified: 2024/03/13