Department of Mathematical Sciences


The following is a list of broad categories in which the members of the department are actively involved in research. For more information on each member's research, or to identify potential M.Sc. and Ph.D. supervisors, please follow the link to the individual staff member's page where more specific details of their research appears.

 Mathematics research groups

Applied mathematics

Differential Equations, Symmetry Methods, Lie Algebra

In the Department of Mathematical Sciences we model the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations by means of differential equations; the analysis and numerical solutions are studied.

Financial Mathematics

Fluid Mechanics

Fractional calculus

General Relativity, Lorentzian Geometry

Mathematics Modelling, Applications and Analysis

Partial Differential Equations

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

Pure Mathematics

The following is a list of broad categories in which the members of the department are actively involved in research. For more information on each member's research, or to identify potential MSc and PhD supervisors, please follow the individual staff member's profile where more specific details of their research appears.

Category Theory

  • Dr Ghosh

Functional Analysis

Graph Theory

Group Theory

Linear Algebra

  • Prof JD Botha

Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions

  • Prof SJ Johnston

Ring Theory

  • Dr Z Mpono

Topology and Commutative Rings

Mathematics Education

Last modified: 2023/08/07