Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL)

Opening hours

Monday to FridaySaturdays:
07:45 – 16:00  Closed

Opening hours during residential MBL study schools

Monday to ThursdayFriday
07:45 – 18:00 07:45 – 16:00 

Opening hours during DBL research seminars/colloquia and other study schools

Monday to Friday

07:45 -16:00 or extended hours as arranged by the SBL and the Library

Students are referred to the linked online library resources on the SBL eds and the Unisa Library for access to information resources 24/7.   Availability 24/7 is subject to unexpected downtimes and routine systems maintenance. 

For services such as the borrowing of print and other material, study space and other services, students are referred to the opening hours of the Unisa Library. 

Days between Christmas and New Year

Both the eLibrary and the Unisa Library are closed but registered users may connect to the Unisa Library’s extensive range of online resources 24/7.

Last modified: 2023/08/07