News & Media

Creating partnerships to drive local, regional and national socio-economic development

Universities have long been knowledge discovery and innovation centres. They are the breeding ground for future leaders, scholars and changemakers. However, to truly make a lasting impact, universities must extend their research beyond the university's walls and form strong bonds with industry leaders. Read more

Celebrating Unisa's inclusive research agenda

The spotlight shone brightly on Unisa as scholars and established researchers, including academics, support staff and students virtually convened to unlock the secrets of reinvigorating research. Read more

Leading OER expert to address ODeL conference

Leading advocate of technology and open education resources fundi, Jenny Glennie, will share her insights at the highly anticipated 2023 Unisa ODeL conference (Image source: National Association of Social Change Entities in Education). Read more

In her own words: Unisa's COL Chair on the university's international prestige and her new role as a leading ODL scholar

In this fascinating interview, Prof Geesje van den Berg reflects on the positive impact and influence that she will have as South Africa's only Commonwealth of Learning Chair, and the massively supportive role played by the university she has called home for more than 20 years. Read more

Mauritian Higher Education Commissioner to address Unisa ODeL Conference

Prof Romeela Mohee, the Higher Education Commissioner of Mauritius, is just one of a host of internationally acclaimed education specialists who will be speaking at the 2023 Unisa International Open Distance and eLearning Conference. Read more

Adding gold to titanium dental implants to keep patients smiling longer

Ayesha Osman, a Unisa PhD candidate and the 2023 FameLab SA heat winner, is on a research venture to add gold and copper to currently used titanium to form an antibacterial material that can be used for dental implants. Read more

Unisa showcases world-class research by Africans for Africa and the globe

Unisa’s best are showcasing their world-class and ground-breaking research at the 2023 Research and Innovation Week, an annual event forming part of Unisa’s drive towards attaining the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the objectives of the AU’s Agenda 2063. Read more

Unisa postgrad innovator wins challenge by linking homeowners, artisans

Addressing the exclusion of TVET college graduates from the workforce through a unique platform connecting homeowners to skilled artisans has earned Noncedo Ngebulana top spot in the Innovation Challenge, hosted by Unisa’s Directorate of Innovation, Technology Transfer and Commercialisation. Read more

Unisa to present world-class R&I showcase in May

As Unisa marks 150 years of academic excellence, the institution’s 2023 Research and Innovation Week, to be held from 15 to 19 May, will feature some of the world-class, Africa-centred work emanating from the eight Unisa colleges, the Graduate School of Business Leadership, and the Thabo Mbeki School of Public and International Affairs. Read more

ODeL in the Global South: Opportunities in times of volatility and ambiguity

Ask any 21st-century citizen what they consider the defining characteristic of contemporary society, and “uncertainty” will likely be part of the answer. Yet, aware of the potential within uncertainty, Unisa has incorporated the positive side of the concept – the opportunities it brings – into its chosen theme for the 2023 Open Distance e-Learning (ODeL) Hybrid Conference. Read more