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Unisa confers posthumous honorary degree to struggle stalwart Solomon Mahlangu

On 3 October 2023, Unisa conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (Honoris Causa) posthumously on freedom fighter and anti-apartheid stalwart Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu at the #UnisaSpringGraduations held at the  Muckleneuk Campus.


Chairperson of Council, James Maboa, Chief Lucas Mahlangu and Prof Solomon Magano

On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Solomon Magano, Acting Vice-Principal: Institutional Development, welcomed the graduates, their families and friends who came to support and witness the #UnisaSpringGraduations.

To the graduates, Magano said their families and friends played an important role in encouraging them to pursue their qualifications. He continued: "I believe there were moments when you were discouraged and contemplated giving up, but your families stood by your side and cajoled you to persist until this moment."

Magano added that no success is achieved without labour and pain, stating: "You should celebrate this moment, and through this ceremony, we want to congratulate you."

A fitting tribute

Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu was a South African freedom fighter, struggle activist and operative of the African National Congress (ANC) military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).  He received military training in Zambia, Tanzania and Angola. His bravery led to his appointment as the commander of the detachment, which was deployed back to South Africa to lead the commemoration of the first anniversary of the 1976 uprising. He was arrested by the security police in 1977 and tried under the Terrorism Act. He was executed on 6 April 1979 at the then Pretoria Central Prison (now Kgoshi Mampuru Prison). His defiant battle cry as he walked to the gallows, "Tell my people that I love them and that they must continue the fight. My blood will nourish the tree that will bear the fruits of freedom. A luta continua!", became one of the motivational and rallying calls of the liberation struggle.


Prof Zethu Nkosi and Chief Lucas Mahlangu

Acting Executive Dean of the College of Human Sciences, Prof Zethu Nkosi, acknowledged Mahlangu's dedicated struggle against apartheid, his participation in the Soweto uprising, his selflessness and commitment to the pursuit of justice, which she said embody the values and ideals that Unisa holds dear. For his bravery and unrelenting determination to fight for the liberation of the oppressed masses in South Africa, Nkosi affirmed that Mahlangu deserves the honorary degree posthumously. Mahlangu's family representative and older brother, Chief Lucas Mahlangu, received the degree.                

To commemorate his selfless sacrifices, the ANC established the Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO) in Mazimbu, Tanzania, in 1978, while the Solomon Mahlangu Square in Mamelodi, Pretoria, was dedicated to his memory in 1993.

"On behalf of the family, I thank Unisa and everybody who made it possible for my younger brother to earn this degree posthumously," said Chief Mahlangu.

He said the family appreciates and thanks every peace-loving South African for showing the Mahlangu family that the nation cares and appreciates what Solomon Mahlangu did for the country when he gave his life for its liberation.

Chief Mahlangu pleaded with the graduates to keep fighting for the country's freedom, unity and education, and to fight against corruption and gender-based violence. "Let us hold hands and rebuild this country," he stressed.


Dignitaries at the #UnisaSpringGraduations and Solomon Mahlangu's posthumous honorary doctorate ceremony

Solomon Mahlangu's legacy inspires and symbolises the struggle for freedom and justice in the country and the world. Like many others who rallied in his quest for liberation, he remains an iconic freedom fighter who gave his life to fight for justice and liberation in the face of the oppressive apartheid regime.


* By Godfrey Madibane, Acting Journalist, Department of Institutional Advancement

Publish date: 2023/10/05
