News & Media

Principal and Vice Chancellor’s Africa Intellectual Scholar Series


Approved for public release
29 June 2021

Prof Puleng LenkaBula, Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of South Africa (Unisa), will be hosting the 1st lecture of the Africa Intellectual Scholar series. This year’s lecture will be delivered by his Excellency Prof. Dr. Ambassador Tal Edgars, under the topic “the new frontier – Africa: where do we stand?”

His Excellency Prof. Dr. Ambassador Tal Edgars, Q.C is a global multi- award winning, well known business authority, diplomat and a cutting-edge thinker with an outstanding record in planning, managing and executing highly successful private and public sector initiatives in Africa, Europe, America & Asia. He has an academic, diplomatic and international civil service background with a global inclination and provides quite extensive domestic best practices in Africa, He is Africa’s leading authority and informed voice on knowledge of foreign policy community, Growth and Competitiveness Practice, complex negotiations, strategic foresight, government affairs, entrepreneurship, investment policies, brand strategy and how countries & businesses can be active participants in their own development.

Prof. Dr. Ambassador Tal Edgars is currently the Chairman GBSH Consult Group Worldwide, Ambassador MDG Task Force at United Nations and Security Council (Geneva) and African International Development Ambassador (NAD-UK) and African International Achievers (Awards-UK), Goodwill Ambassador and Honorary Chancellor to The International Council for Leadership | Governance | Entrepreneurship | Management (ICLGEM-Switzerland).

The Africa Intellectual Scholar Series, Knowledge Systems and Africa Futures Programme, is part of the Principal and Vice Chancellor’s Projects at Unisa. This programme is also part of a series of Academic and Public Lectures, Business/ Academic Roundtables aimed at promoting innovative ideas, debates, discussions and research ingenuity on discourses and processes of envisioning and constructing Africa’s development and its futures. 

The lecture is a continuation of the African Intellectuals Project, Knowledge Systems and Africa Futures Programme, which is part of the Principal and Vice Chancellor’s Projects at Unisa, and will take place on the Wednesday, 30 June 2021 at 14:00 – 16:00 virtually. 

To connect please see the attached invitation. Click here for an invitation.

For enquiries and interviews please contact Unisa Senior Media Officers Tommy Huma on 072 218 6197 / 012 429 3981 / or Edgar Rathelele on 063 731 5456 / 012 429 3981 /    

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Issued by: Unisa Media Affairs 

Department: Institutional Advancement  

Last modified: 2023/07/30