
Highest international research recognition for outstanding Unisan

Prof. Les Labuschagne, Executive Director: Research, Innovation and Commercialisation

Professor Les Labuschagne, Executive Director: Research, Innovation and Commercialisation, has been awarded Senior Research Management Professional (SRMP) status by the International Professional Recognition Council (IPRC). He is one of only four people in South Africa that has been awarded this highly sought-after professional recognition.

This is the highest of the three levels of professional recognition available through the IPRC, which is an independent international body that awards professional recognition to research leaders and managers, mainly in Africa.

IPRC recognition is granted after a rigorous peer-review process and, in the case of the most senior designation, SRMP, is testimony to the strategic leadership and significant contribution of the recipient to research management.

The IPRC Technical Review Committee that recommended SRMP status for Labuschagne has urged him to share his research management expertise with the Southern African research management community.

“The reviewers would like to encourage the applicant, as a senior research professional, to share his experience and expertise with the Southern African Research & Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) and possibly the other research management associations in Africa by supporting their initiatives,” wrote Dr Pamisha Pillay, Head of the IPRC Secretariat, in a letter on the outcome of Labuschagne’s application.

He received the news of his successful application from Dr Karin Dyason, Project Manager at SARIMA, which hosts the IPRC Secretariat.

“Congratulations with this achievement! We are looking forward to your continued involvement in research management and in SARIMA,” she wrote, suggesting that Labuschagne consider participating in the IPRC’s STARS Programme for recognised professionals.

Labuschagne’s SRMP designation, which is renewable after five years, confirms that research management at Unisa is in good hands and is up the challenge of ensuring high standards and good practices in an increasingly complex research environment.

* Submitted by the Research Support Directorate

Publish date: 2021/07/20