Southern African Business Review

Guidelines for contributors

The Southern African Business Review is a refereed and accredited journal of the College of Economic and Management Sciences of the University of South Africa. The Southern African Business Review  is an open access journal and as of 2008, published in electronic form only.  Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of articles.

Nature of contributions

The Southern African Business Review serves as a vehicle for the publication and dissemination of research in the fields of the economic and management sciences.  Research contributions should conform to high standards of scholarly research inquiry.  The following should at least be addressed:  purpose/objective of the article, sound conceptualisation/theoretical foundation, statement of the research problem or hypothesis, research methodology (where applicable), analysis/discussion of research findings (where applicable) and conclusion.

Guidelines for manuscripts

  1. Articles should preferably not exceed 7 500 words including tables, figures and graphs, using the font Times New Roman (12 point) and 1.5 line spacing. Authors should ensure that the contents of very short articles are substantial enough to warrant publication.
  2. All tables, illustrations and figures should be incorporated in the body of the manuscript. The editor reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission for which the artwork is not of an acceptable standard.
  3. Since the Southern African Business Review follows a policy of blind peer review, authors should ensure that they cannot be identified.
  4. The article should be preceded by a single paragraph abstract of the article, not exceeding 200 words. The abstract should not form part of the text. A list of as many key words as possible should be submitted per article for cataloguing purposes.
  5. The reference technique should be according to the Chicago style.

Submission and review process

  1. Manuscripts for the review process must be uploaded to, and/or be submitted by e-mail in MS Word to the address below.
  2. Manuscripts will be submitted to independent reviewers. A policy of double blind peer review is followed. The editor will make the final decision whether to publish an article.
  3. If approved subject to revision, the manuscript will be returned to the author(s) who will make the necessary alternations/corrections. The final copy of the manuscript will then be returned to the editors. This copy should be submitted in MS Word by e-mail.
  4. It is required that all authors have their draft articles reviewed for language proficiency before submitting them to the editors. Sometimes excellent submissions have to be drastically amended or even rejected because of linguistic ineptitude. The editors reserve the right to make minor editorial adjustments without consulting the author. The use of abbreviations should be avoided as far as possible.
  5. Endnotes should be avoided. Footnotes may be used.
  6. Publication fees of R6 500 are payable on the acceptance of the article before publication. The author(s) will receive written acknowledgement of acceptance accompanied by an invoice for publication fees.

Publication fees and procedure for payment

  1. A publication fee of R6 500.00 is payable on the acceptance of articles and an invoice will be issued.
  2. Where more than one author contributed to an article and are from different institutions, the amount will be equally divided among the authors and each will receive an invoice.
  3. The article will be published once proof of payment is received.
  4. The required amount can be paid into the following bank account: Standard Bank, Account name: Unisa, Account no: 011554622, Branch code: 010645, Deposit reference.
  5. Email proof of payment to

Copyright arrangements

Copyright on articles is retained by the author(s). 

All articles published in SABR can be re-used under the following license: CC BY SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The editor and reviewers of SABR cannot accept any responsibility for the infringement of authors' rights or copyright. 

Correspondence to

Administrative Editor: Southern African Business Review
Ms Erna Koekemoer
University of South Africa
P.O. Box 392
Unisa 0003 South Africa
Tel: 083-266-6372

Last modified: 2023/08/07