Department of Science and Technology Education

Never give up on your dreams

Ms Herriara Ngakane, Junior Lecturer in the Department of Science and Technology Education, specialising in Technology Education.

Can you tell us about your new role as an academic?

Well, I just joined UNISA as a junior lecturer in the Department of Science and Technology Education. I must say, I am super excited and grateful for the opportunity. My role as an academic involves providing unique learning experiences for our students in their journey of pursuing their qualifications. As academics, our role goes beyond just developing lessons for our students, however, we get to empower our communities through our participation as engaged scholars. As I embark on this journey, I look forward to learning new skills and developing myself as an expert in my field through research, attending conferences and seminars.


What challenges do you face as a mother, who must balance her career with family and her studies? 

You know what Godfrey, time management is a tricky and challenging concept, more especially as a single mother, who has to deal with a demanding job, attend to my children, and still make sure I am on track with my studies. Honestly, it is very difficult. I am currently busy with my masters degree. Due to the overwhelming pressure, I somewhat ignored my studies, and which then lead me to not completing my masters in the prescribed duration. Having to manage a full-time job and managing my children, I failed to have extra time for my studies. 


And then there is COVID -19 Pandemic. Imagine I must now adjust to not being a teacher anymore, and assume  my new role as a lecturer, in an ODeL space, which is new to me. On top of that, I am working from home, my children still demand my attention, honestly, It all gets a bit too much at times. However, I am determined to complete my qualification, as hard as the journey may be, I am more determined to finish. I have worked too hard to be where I am, and I cannot afford to give up now, even if it takes me longer than others to obtain my qualification.


What advice would you give to women in South Africa, who are pursuing their dreams as single parents?

We all have dreams and yes, there will be challenges along the way. To all the single parents, who maybe had to put their dreams on hold, I want to say to you today,  it is never too late to start again. Being a mother is exciting and, yet exhausting at the same time. Yet, that should never be the reason that we do not go for our dreams. As hard as life gets at times, we must always remember as women we are hard-wired to be more resilient and overcome challenges. Also, remember to be kind to yourself, we are already going through a lot as a women. If you failed once, get up and try again. Lastly, never compare yourself with anyone.

#By Moleboheng Ramulumo, Lecturer in the Department of Science and Technology Education 

#Interviewed by Godfrey Madibane, Broadcast Journalist, Unisa Radio

Publish date: 2021/08/19

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