Department of Science and Technology Education

She raised a warrior

Mr Thabang Maruping, Lecturer in Department of Science and Technology Education​ specialising in ICT Intergration

Growing up in Mareetsane Villages in the Northwest Province. I completed my grade 12 at Mosikare Secondary School in Mantsa village, outside Mafikeng. At grade 12, I was the RCL president and top-performing student in Commercial subjects. After completing grade 12, I then went to study BCom Information Systems at North West University. I then furthered my studies by perusing an honours and master's degree in the same field. The focus of my research was on the impact of social media on student performance. We looked at how Facebook could be used as an educational platform. The findings of the study revealed an increased communication between the students, particularly students' discussions on course-related matters. This proved that social media can be used as a learning tool for 21st century leaners.

Upon completing my master's, I registered for a Ph.D. degree. With a keen interest in computer integration education, with a focus on cybersecurity training and its awareness in tertiary institutions. With the world facing the COVID-19 pandemic, tertiary institutions are transforming education, by the emergent transition from face-to-face to online learning. However, this brings new cybersecurity threats to universities, more especially for students who have never had any access to the internet. Therefore, resulting in the need for cybersecurity training.

My work experiences include teaching accounting at one of the schools in my village. However, just like any child from the rural villages, I always aspired to work in the city. I then joined an audit firm, sadly this dream was short-lived due to the passing of my mother which then meant I had to go back home and take care of my sibling. 

Coming back home, I resumed my teaching career as a commercial subjects’ educator due to my passion for ICT integrated education. I was the only educator who was using blended learning as a teaching and learning approach at that time.

To make my mother proud, I see myself as a full professor and an ambassador of ICT integration education. My mother blessed me with the gift of education and so I want to ensure that a child from the deep rural areas such as myself, has access to a computer and can operate the computer just like any child from urban schools.

My mother raised a giant; a warrior, who believes his purpose in life is giving back to the community that raised him to become the success that he is today.

#By Moleboheng Ramulumo

Publish date: 2021/08/17

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