Institute for Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability

Dr T Lukhele

College of Science, Engineering and Technology
School of Science
Institute for Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow


  • PhD (UNISA)
  • MSc (UJ)
  • BSc (UNESWA) 

Fields of academic interests

Biodiversity analysis of microbial communities inhabiting extreme environments using meta omic techniques and evaluating the environmental bioremediation potential of extremophilic and extremotolerant microorganisms.

Field of Specialisation

  • Environmental analytical chemistry
  • Environmental biotechnology

Journal articles

  • Lukhele T, Ogola H, Selvarajan R, Oruko R, Nyoni H, Mamba B, Msagati T (2021) Metagenomic insights into taxonomic diversity and metabolic potential of bacterial communities associated with tannery waste contaminated soils. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol 19, 2406-2424(2022).
  • Lukhele T, Selvarajan R, Nyoni H, Mamba B, Msagati T (2019) Diversity and functional profile of bacterial communities at Lancaster acid mine drainage dam, South Africa as revealed by 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing analysis. Extremophiles 23,719–734.
  • Lukhele T, Selvarajan R, Nyoni H, Mamba B, Msagati T (2019) Acid Mine Drainage as habitats for distinct microbiomes: Current Knowledge in the era of molecular and omic technologies. Curr Microbiology 77, 657-674.
  • Lukhele T, Olivier D, Fotsing M, Tata C, Ikhile M, Krause R, Van Vuuren S, Tantoh Nditeh D (2021) Ethnobotanical survey, phytoconstituents and antibacterial investigation of Rapanea melanophloeos (L.) Mez. bark, fruit, and leaf extracts. In: Ramasami P (ed) Chemical Sciences in the Focus - Volume 1 Pharmaceutical Applications. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, pp 97-122.


Immobilization of extremophilic bacteria on magnetic nanocomposite adsorbents for environmental bioremediation